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For two seasons, we've been amused and enthralled by the antics of Terry, James, Patrick and Gary, the manchildren of BBC2's Manchild. Now, though, it seems that the current season is going to be the last... but some of us are unwilling to let it go without a struggle! It seems that ratings aren't the problem - the show is enjoyed by an audience of millions worldwide - rather, it doesn't fit with the "vision" that the current powers that be have for BBC2. And we don't think that's good enough grounds for cancelling a popular show, besides which there have been several plotlines set up this season that can't be resolved unless Manchild is renewed.

In the past, numerous TV shows have been saved by the efforts of their fans, through direct action such as letter writing, postcard campaigns and online petitions. We're hoping that Manchild will soon be one of them. Here, you've got everything you need to do any or all of those things!

Thank you for helping in the effort to SAVE MANCHILD!

As promised, here's the latest batch of postcards... the new ones feature the whole gang looking deliciously rumpled in their dinner suits, Gary, Cheryl and Patrick. Keep checking back for the latest designs!(last updated 21st April 2003)

Click on the thumbnails above to view the full sized image and right click the image to save or right click the thumbnail and choose "save target as..." then print out on card and send to the BBC at the address below.

Mail your letters and postcards to:-

BBC, PO Box 1922, Glasgow G2 3WT
BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ

You can give the BBC your feedback by telephone on 08700 200333 (UK national rate)

E-mail them at

and... there's a feedback form Here

Fans CAN make a difference!

Sign the online petition to save Manchild Here!

Click the "Support" banner above to go on to more Manchild-saving goodness including graphics and banners to include on your own websites, links to other sites of interest and an opportunity to make your contribution to the cause by sending us your comments, artwork and anything else you might find appropriate!

Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this site together, especially to Noria for the postcards, Sandra for running the petition and all the Tweedies who have added their suggestions and support to this venture

It's time to take action and SAVE MANCHILD!

DISCLAIMER: Characters, names and situations used within this website remain the property of their originators; Characters, names, images and situations relating specifically to the series "Manchild" remain the property of Nick Fisher, the BBC and all related companies. No profit is made from their inclusion on this site and no copyright infringement is intended - Please don't sue us, we're broke as it is!