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Here's the place to find Manchild-saving resources for your websites such as banners and links to other sites of interest. There is also the opportunity for you to send fan-art, buttons and banners to share with the rest of the Manchild fan community... the more the merrier! Want to share your reaction to the show's untimely demise? Send in your comments and they'll be added to the site.

When you're done here, clicking on the header will take you back to the main page.

Thank you for helping in the effort to SAVE MANCHILD!

Show your support for Manchild with these banners. The top three are available in two sizes, click on the small ones to see the full sized versions. The others are one size only, just right click to save! You can use them to link to this site or the online petition at

This banner is designed to link to the petition at the address above.
Thanks to CAT, Sandra and Koala for the banners

Here's how one fan reacted to the news...

By Dusty

Your comments and reactions belong here! Email your (repeatable... yes, I realise that might be difficult!) comments and they'll be added to this section.

Email your comments, banners, buttons, fanart and anything else that might help to the webmistress at
The Wyvern's Lair

" all about James", a James-centric Manchild fan site.

Realm of the Tweedy Book Guy, an Anthony Stewart Head fan site with plenty of Manchild goodies.

I'm looking for sites relating to the other fine Manchildren... so if you've got links to sites for Ray Burdis, Nigel Havers or Don Warrington, please send me a link!

It's time to take action and SAVE MANCHILD!

DISCLAIMER: Characters, names and situations used within this website remain the property of their originators; Characters, names, images and situations relating specifically to the series "Manchild" remain the property of Nick Fisher, the BBC and all related companies. No profit is made from their inclusion on this site and no copyright infringement is intended - Please don't sue us, we're broke as it is!