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"); text += ("Your Test Results:

"); text += ("Your peers see you as a " +form.input1.value+ ": " +form.input2.value+ ".
"); text += ("You see yourself as a " +form.input3.value+ ": " +form.input4.value+ ".
"); text += ("You really are a " +form.input5.value+ ": " +form.input6.value+ ".
"); text += ("You view life as " +form.input7.value+ ".
"); text += ("You view death as " +form.input8.value+ ".
"); text += ("In school/work, you feel " +form.input9.value+ ".
");"","displayWindow","toolbar=no,width=375,height=480,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resize=no,menubar=no") msgWindow.document.write(text) msgWindow.document.close() } } // End -->

Personality Test

Answer the questions by filling in the form, then press the button for the results.

Your favorite animal (only put one):
3 adjectives to describe that animal:
example: happy, smart, and fast
Your 2nd favorite animal:
3 adjectives to describe that animal:
Your 3rd favorite animal:
3 adjectives to describe that animal:
Describe the ocean in three adjectives:
Describe the forest in three adjectives:
Describe how you would feel in a small, enclosed, white room with no windows, no doors, nothing except you and a small chair: