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I have made a seperate page for all the story links, so if ya have one, e-mail me, and I'll put it up!

< a href=""> Thinking of You***

< a href=""> Angel's Story Page***

< a href=""> Hanson Stories and Poems

< a href=""> Shining Through

< a href=""> Tulsa 74231***

< a href=""> Undying Love***

< a href=""> Falling Star***

< a href=""> Carley's Story***

< a href=""> Don't Kiss Me Goodnight***

< a href=""> Runaway

< a href=""> Angels of Apocalypse***

< a href=""> Perspective***

***Personal Favorites

Ok, I have to say, I love them all, but those are the best, and you should definatly check out Undying Love. That is like the best story I've read so far. It practicly made me cry, so you gotta check it out! Please read Falling Star too. It's like Romeo and Julliet and its really sad at the end....
