Stories about Frisbees

Tis a sad day in the world of frisbee. Or at least yesterday was. It was like any other day, excluding the fact that yesterday was actually warm. However, there was one big problem...the wind! Jimi, Keto, Kultgen and I all decided to go frolfing. The first game was uneventful, as was most of the second, until we got to hole 4. I was just rolling my bee around , waiting for someone to lead off, when a nasty gust of wind came and rolled my disc right into the river! I was so sad. Then I stuck my arm in, and pulled it out. No problem. THEN, on hole 7, I believe I was the first or second to go. I put a made hook on it and it went right into the trees. It sucked. I never found it. I personally believe that the moppy-headed graftoners are at fault. They probably hide in the woods waiting to snatch up unsuspecting bee's. Those bastards.


I used to have this really cool frisbee called the Signature. Everyone signed their name on the back, and it worked really good. I don't know what happened to it. It sucks. I bought another one just like it, but it's not as good. We played with it today and now I have a roached finger.


I just got this new "JLS 1.2" frisbee for disc golfing and I lost the bitch on my first toss in the fucking Milwaukee River.


I just got this new "eagle" frisbee for disc golfing and it really roached my hand. That thing is bloody and already roaches. She also has a mad hook but I would not trade her for anything else.


I had a blue 160 frisbee which was a model from like 96 and I loved that thing. I won it at my dad's company picnic and that thing had been so good to me. Of course, I played with it a lot and it got roached a lot. So I nicknamed it the roach. It has seen many ultimate games in its day. But one day I was freestyling in the street with Nad and Scotty and she roached. We are talking separate pieces here. It must have been because it was so cold. That day sucked...the day my favorite bee roached. Of course, I salvaged the pieces and we resumed play with a crappy but less shoddy bee. When I got home, I taped her up with some aluminum tape. She still flies but not like she use to. No frisbee will be ever be able the good times I had with my Roachy Classic 160. May it suck at flying in peace. I will get a picture up for it soon


Last Updated:5-5-2000