
grr i don't know how to say this but...sorry to break the news to everyone but Fat's bassist, Paul Andrews is no longer in the band... we are not sure why but we may find out sometime be sure to check back once in a while to see if anything has been updated, Paul is a great guy and i will miss him terribly.. maybe we'll all see him again in another band... i wish you all the best paul! we luv ya!
Fat is in PRE(not post!i fixed it marcie!)-production for their new album!
Fat was in Metal Edge again (september 1998 issue)i have the picture under "articles" if you want to check it out
Gareth's b-day was june 17th and there was a page, i'm not sure what the adress is right now but i'll find out later
Mike's Birthday was June 6th
Fat hopes to start touring in september!
Fat is hoping to have their new album out before the end of the year!
Fat was in th Metal Edge magazine ( August 1998 issue) it's still in some stores if you are wanting to get it!
The Numb video is being re-edited, they are taking out the slutty girls :)

