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Waltz in the Sky

By Lorelei Sieja

Caspian returned near midnight. He looked far different from the arrogant posturing elder who had intimidated both Tracy and Nick. His eyes were sunken and he seemed to have aged a century over night. Tracy felt sorry for him, but was afraid to get too near. Instead she gravitated towards LaCroix, as was becoming more and more her habit.

He smiled at her, already sensing her question even before she spoke. "I believe Corda is dead," he explained. "She was the older sister, and they were closely bonded. However, she was the shrew of the two. It is as if the spiteful half of himself has died with her. He is lost, but he will recover."

"How do you know him," she asked.

LaCroix glanced at Caspian, as he slunk into a booth, alone in the crowded club. "We were fledglings together, and friends for a time. Until Divia destroyed their master and put enmity between our families."

Tracy nodded with understanding. Still, two millennia was a bit long to carry a grudge. Now Divia was dead, as was Corda. Would the ancients pull together in the common goal of eradicating the hunters from Toronto? She could hope. "May I speak with him?" she asked.

LaCroix looked surprised, but he did not deny her request. "As you wish, my dear. You may go to him when I am near."

She kissed him on the cheek before taking her drink and joining Caspian in his secluded booth. LaCroix smiled, once again feeling very proud of his children.

Urs nudged Nick playfully. "You are such a tease," she said.

Nick licked her throat, inflaming her eyes with desire. "And you, my pretty," he growled softly in her ear, "will wait here for me. We can journey to the loft together."

"Are you leaving?" she asked with surprise.

Nick nodded. "We can't all go in to hiding. The hunters will know we suspect them, and become twice as careful. Our best chance is to catch them off-guard."

Urs nodded solemnly. "Please be careful," she admonished, knowing full well her words fell on deaf ears.

Nick grinned at her boyishly. "Always, my love." Then he went to speak with LaCroix.

"I need to return to work for a few hours," Nick stated. LaCroix made a slight gesture of ascent. "Tracy will go with you," he said.

"But it isn't safe for her!"

"I know," LaCroix responded. "And I know that you will avoid danger if she is with you. Take her, or stay here."

Nick rolled his eyes, then went to get Baby. LaCroix had the strangest ideas sometimes. Nick thought the best way to catch these hunters was to lay a trap- to intentionally put a vampire in harm's way, to lure the hunters to attack. But the ancient would never permit Nicholas to volunteer. His job would be so much easier if LaCroix would permit him to just do it.

Tracy seemed quieter tonight. She followed Nick closely, still trying to act like the seasoned cop, but he could sense her distress. Damn LaCroix! He should have kept her with him!

They would stay at their desks for the rest of the night, he decided. They were safer there, in the lights, surrounded by mortals he trusted. Then maybe tomorrow he could speak to LaCroix about setting a trap.

Suddenly, Reese's door opened and the big captain rushed to Nick's desk. His heart rate was elevated; sweat and fear were on his face. "Nick- there's a fire. It's your father's place- the Raven. Fire trucks and ambulances have been dispatched, and we've got some blues responding to the call now."

Nick and Tracy jumped to their feet, wearing twin expressions of fear and disbelief. "No!" they exclaimed.

"Nick, from what I hear, there've been few injuries, mostly just smoke inhalation."

Nick grabbed Tracy by the arm and was already leaving the precinct. Reese stared after them. He didn't like LaCroix one bit. The father was abusive, overpowering, and probably not completely honest. Still, that Nick loved him and feared for him was evident. He shook his head sadly. It might be better for the young detective if his father died in the fire- freeing Nick from his influence. Reese grunted, angry with himself for such dark thoughts. "Take care of yourself," he whispered as he watched the green caddy pull out of the parking lot below.

They could not get close to the Raven; the roads were all blocked with fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, and crowds. Nick reached out with his senses, and felt his father. LaCroix was seething with rage. Nick smiled at Tracy. "He's okay," he comforted her.

She nodded weakly. She too had felt LaCroix's wrath, and knew it was directed at mortals in general, hunters specifically. Still, she wanted to be with him now. This night was becoming a nightmare, and she only wanted it to end.

Nick flashed his badge at a police officer who was trying to keep the curiosity seekers out of the way. The officer nodded and let them pass. There were so many mortals present. Did any of them suspect the clients of the Raven were not quite human? Since he knew his master was safe, Nick thought he'd do a little damage control on his way to the center of the crowd. Holding Tracy's arm that they wouldn't get separated, Nick drifted through the crowds, listening to snatches of conversation.

"He was as cold as ice," one EMT was telling another. "I could find no pulse, either. It is so weird!"

Nick flashed his badge and pulled the curious EMT aside, quickly hypnotizing her. "There is nothing weird here tonight," he told her, before turning to erase the other's suspicions as well.

Suddenly the crowd near the EMTs turned. Twenty hands grabbed Nick and Tracy and pushed them backwards. "What are you doing!" Nick demanded. "I am a police officer! Unhand me!"

The faces leered at him, and he was struck in the face. Tracy started to scream, but rags were stuffed into her mouth and she was gagged before she could draw breath. Nick was furious, but still kept the vampire concealed. It was possible that he could convince these hunters that they had made an error. He shouted, demanded they let him pass.

He was slammed against the back of what looked like an ambulance on the outside, but the inside was gutted. He lost his balance. The throng grabbed him and tossed him inside. Tracy soon followed. Then the hunters opened plastic containers of holy water and doused the fallen vampires. Nick screamed in pain as the water burned and evaporated on his cold flesh. Tracy was weeping, but could make no sound around the gag. The door was slammed and chained shut. Then with the lights and siren swirling, the ambulance parted the crowds and left.

Nick flew against the back door and pounded on it angrily, although he was weakened by the water. He tried to reach LaCroix, but could not sense him. Until the holy water had all burned away, he probably would not sense him, either. He tore at Tracy's gag, fumbling as his hands were severely burned, having deflected much of the water away from his face.

Tracy's eyes were wide with fear and she was shaking. Twin trails of blood tears stained her face. There would be no fooling the hunters now.

"Tracy, as soon as I tell you, you must leave and go to LaCroix," he said firmly.

"I can't," she cried. "You'll need me!"

He shook her a little too forcefully. "No! You WILL GO TO HIM, or we are both dead!"

Reluctantly, she agreed. Then he hugged her to him. "We'll be fine, I promise," he whispered.

Tracy could hear the doubt in his voice. She hugged him back, drawing strength from him.

The ambulance jerked to a stop. Nick motioned to Tracy to be silent and he strained to pick up the outside conversations.

There were many heartbeats beyond. Maybe as many as twenty- it was hard to tell when their pulses raced so erratically. There were shouts and a commotion, and the sounds echoed as though they were in a large empty place, like a parking garage or unfinished basement.

He heard the chains rattle in the door and grabbed Tracy, pulling her behind him.

"Come out of there you devils," shouted angry voices as the door swung open. Oil was tossed inside, followed by a lighted match. Nick leaped out, carrying Tracy with him. He faced his attackers, growling fiercely.

Several jabbed at him with long wooden stakes, while others murmured. "Jonston was right! They are devils! Look at his eyes!"

Nick glanced around nervously. It was the parking garage, but it was mostly empty at this hour before dawn. At least there might not be any innocents hurt in the melee.

A jar of holy water was thrown at him. Nick turned his back to catch the spill, shielding Tracy with his body. He howled in pain as his shirt soaked through and the water burned his flesh. The burns were shallow though, and he had well fed earlier. "You must get away," he whispered to her again.

More oil was dumped on the cement in a half-moon, trapping the vampires between the oil and the blazing truck behind them, then it was ignited. Pebbles and garlic were thrown at him; still he shielded Tracy behind him.

Fire was terrifying. It was more dangerous than wooden stakes, and its yellow tongues lashed out at Nick, licking his flesh and singeing his clothes. The hunters backed away from the flames as well. It was the opening he needed. Grabbing Tracy, he leaped over the flames, rolling along the pavement.

"Run!" he screamed, getting to his feet to block the hunters from pursuing her.

Tracy didn't want to leave. Nick needed help, but she knew that she was no match for the hunters. Nick's only chance was if she could get to LaCroix quickly. Ignoring the guilt she felt, she raced for freedom, lifting off the pavement as she took flight.

The hunters surrounded Nick, tossing a net over him to keep him from flying away as well. Several jumped in to cars to take off after Tracy, but Nick hoped she had put too much distance between them. He tore at the net, fighting for his life as the garlic sickened him and the pebbles continued to annoy him. He let his fangs descend then, to tear at the net.

The leader clubbed him with the stake. "How many of you are here in Toronto!" he shouted.

"Go to hell," Nick hissed.

They clubbed him again and again, but were careful not to kill him. He understood then that he would be tortured, as they expected to get information from him before they killed him. He reigned in his anger. He would need his strength, and prayed LaCroix would arrive in time. Tonight was not a good night to die. This would be an ignoble death. He had not yet atoned for his many sins; if there was a God for vampires, please let him live that he might redouble his efforts to help those in need!

"Where are your hiding places!" The hunters shouted. "Where will you vermin crawl now that your den is gutted?"

Nick kept silent as the blows continued to weaken him. He was bruising now, and the bruises were not instantly healing. He rolled around on the pavement, still tangled in the net, and tried to avoid as many of their blows as he could. His arms were scraped and bleeding as he shielded his face. "Please, Tracy," he whispered. "Hurry!"

Tracy flew out of the parking garage. LaCroix had told her never to fly alone, but that didn't matter. She would do anything, even defy him and risk his anger, if it meant saving Nick. Only, she didn't know where LaCroix would be. Was he injured in the attack at the Raven? Would he be down at the precinct giving a statement? Or would he go to the loft to wait for his children there? Nick didn't have time for her to be wrong! She shut her eyes and concentrated hard, screaming one word, "Master!"

"Here I am," came the reply instantly. It was not so many words, but a presence in her thoughts. LaCroix was at the loft, as were other vampires. She headed there straight away, just beginning to worry how she would land. LaCroix threw open a window and she flew through it as he grabbed her.

"What are you doing!" he demanded angrily.

Tracy hugged him tightly, gasping for breath with which to speak. "Nick! Hunters!"

LaCroix's face paled noticeably and blood appeared on his brow. "Where!"

"The parking garage, on seventh," she panted.

LaCroix leaped from the window, and Caspian followed. Vachon went to the window to close it. He gathered Tracy in his arms and soothed her. "He will save him, Trace. Don't you worry. That was some landing! I like your style."

Tracy ignored him. Although the light teasing was meant to relieve her fears, she was too worried to want to be consoled.

Urs brought her a drink. Tracy accepted it and glanced around Nick's loft. There were ten vampires seeking refuge, and of them, Vachon was the oldest. "Shouldn't we follow them?" she asked. "Give them aid?"

"No," Vachon replied. "He told me to "keep these children here", and under no circumstances are we to leave. I think you should listen to him."

"But," she argued.

"No." Vachon was firm. "The two ancients can handle this better, if they aren't distracted. You can help LaCroix best if you calm your fears and allow him to concentrate."

Tracy nodded weakly, feeling duly chastised. She sank on to the couch and closed her eyes. It was the night that would never end... suddenly eternity didn't seem long enough.

LaCroix reached out but could barely feel his son. What he could sense was terror more than pain and that encouraged him. Their link was weakened somehow, but not severed. LaCroix focused on Nicholas's fear, telling him that they were coming.

Caspian flew beside him with grim determination. It was his chance to avenge Corda's death. He had volunteered to help LaCroix track down the hunters, laying aside their feud. The garage loomed ahead. They flew through the low-ceilinged structure, right into the throng of hunters. They lifted bodies left and right, tossing them into cement supports with bone-cracking force. LaCroix tore at the net and freed his son.

Nick flung himself into LaCroix's arms. He was shaking uncontrollably, weakened, bruised, and bleeding, but none of his wounds were serious. LaCroix tried to pry him loose that he could assist Caspian with the last of the hunters, but Nick's grip was firm. He sighed and welcomed his son's embrace. Caspian seemed to have matters under his control, and the rage with which he tore at the hunters was cathartic, in a way.

"What is the matter, Nicholas," LaCroix asked softly, as his trembling continued.

"I was afraid," he whispered, his voice shaking. "That you wouldn't get here in time."

"But you knew I would come," the ancient prodded, seeing an opportunity here.

Nick nodded, burying his face into LaCroix's shoulder. He was soaked with the blood sweat of his fear, which further weakened him.

"Why would I come for you," LaCroix continued. "I am a harsh master. You seldom obey me. What ever reason could I have for coming to help you when you defy me so often?"

Nick didn't answer. He wanted to draw warmth and comfort from this vampire, not a lecture. Couldn't they talk about it later?

"Tell me, Nicholas! Why would I come to rescue you!"

"Because," he whispered. He shook harder, feeling exhausted, and his undead heart was pulsing too fast. He felt nauseated and faint. "You love me," he finished.

"Yes," LaCroix snapped angrily. "I do! But you continually seem to forget it!" Then he held his son to him tightly, feeling a wash of fear himself that he had come so close again to losing this precious one.

Caspian drained a hunter and howled victoriously. His face was that of a beast, his chin red with the blood of mortals. They would have to drain them all, and dispose of all the bodies quickly. He went to the next and sank his fangs.

LaCroix pried Nicholas loose then. "Feed, my son. You must!"

Nick grabbed a fallen hunter, a young man, and felt the desire to kill overshadow him. The hunter trembled fearfully, shocked at how easily the vampires had turned the battle. Nick caught the scent of fear and it further aroused him. He was weak and he needed to feed. Still, he couldn't turn away from nearly a century of non-killing. Draining Janette's attackers last year had not eased his pain but only increased his guilt.

"You will forget," he demanded, trying to hypnotize the man.

"Get thee behind me, Satan!" the man shrieked.

Nick thought of Rita, and Corda, and Tracy. This man had hunted his family. Rage overpowered him, and he sank his aching fangs into the soft flesh of his throat.

The man's life floated over his tongue and the hot blood gushed into his mouth. The man's name was Gordon Hemmings, and he had killed many vampires. He had even killed a mortal, Alvin Jacobs. He had tried to make it look like a vampire's kill, to incite his followers to action. Nick sucked harder, tearing at the throat violently, punishing his victim before killing him.

Hemmings heart slowed as his body cooled. Nick released the body, watching it drop to his feet. He sank to his knees, horrified at what he had done and what he had become. Tears filled his eyes.

LaCroix and Caspian had completed the carnage. LaCroix looked sadly at his son, feeling his guilt like a heavy cloak pulling him down. He went to Nicholas and touched his shoulder. "It was necessary," he said softly.

Nick looked up at him with tortured eyes. "I know." He stood slowly. "And I'm not sorry. He was an evil man. I'm just surprised that I can still be such a beast and not feel shame. I had thought I was closer to becoming mortal at least in my actions."

LaCroix hated his foolish quest, but he sensed how deeply his son was hurting. "Just because you seek vengeance on one who has hurt you, has threatened your family, does not make you less like them," he reasoned. "Any mortal man has the power to kill in self-defense. They do not even punish such an act, or call it murder."

Nick nodded slowly. His master was right. And Nick was only very tired. He felt strong arms around him, and let himself be lifted up. LaCroix held him close and flew him towards his loft. Caspian watched them depart, then began to dispose of the bodies.

LaCroix regretted now that he had brought the strays to Nick's loft, wishing he and his son could just be alone. Their relationship was still tenuous at best. There was nothing he could do now. He entered through the skylight and gently set Nicholas on his feet.

The boy was nearly asleep, heedless of the dried blood on his chin, the stains on his shirt, or the many wood splintered wounds that irritated his hands and arms. LaCroix pushed him towards the shower.

"Clean yourself up, then come downstairs. Natalie will tend to your wounds," he ordered, knowing that a command would reach his son, even in his sleep.

Nicholas moved like a zombie into the bathroom. LaCroix shook his head. His son was so predictable at times. He went in with him, turning on the water and pulling his ruined clothing from him. Nicholas would have to do the rest alone. LaCroix left and went to comfort the children downstairs.

Tracy reached him first. She was fearful, for Nicholas, but also of LaCroix. He wondered about it briefly, then remembered that she had defied him by flying alone. "Nicholas will be fine," he reassured her. "And your quick flight here saved him. I did not want you flying alone, for your own safety, my dear, but in saving your brother, you have made me eternally grateful."

Tracy smiled, hugging him impulsively.

Natalie was in the kitchen, still checking out the injured vampires. Most of them had suffered only minor burns, which were healing on their own, but a few had been injured in the initial explosion, as bits of wood splintered through their flesh. Natalie sat, her magnifying visor pulled over her eyes, as she plucked splinters from Patrick's hand. The young vampire flinched like a baby, while flirtatiously chatting with her.

LaCroix stood behind Natalie and glowered at his audacious bartender. Patrick shivered, jumping again as Natalie yelled at him to hold still.

"How is he?" Nat asked.

"Nicholas will be down shortly," he answered. "I thank you, doctor, for coming here tonight."

She pulled off the visor and smiled at him. "It is my pleasure, LaCroix. You guys are becoming my favorite patients."

Part 13
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