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My Blog
Friday, 23 May 2008
Long time, no see

Well, I guess I've never been much good at keeping a journal! But one of my son's good friends was able to find us, after losing touch, through this blog! So I guess I should keep trying.

Stargate is doing great, by the way. She's fully recovered from her traffic accident, and eveng getting a little overweight from too much food and not enough exercise. Yes, that happens to the best of us. I wish I could take her out training, but we're getting ready to put our hobby farm on the market so I just don't have time.

And that is our biggest news right now. My DH has taken a new job in Michigan. Our 26 acre little piece of heaven will be for sale in the near future. I've had a lot of practice moving, but never before have I had to move livestock. We currently have 44 sheep, 5 llamas, and 13 dogs, a fat cat and severalgrown kids still living with us. I did manage to find a good home for my aging dairy cow. And while I miss the fresh milk, I don't miss the time I spent every day milking her, cleaning her shed, shaking butter, churning ice cream, and watching yogurt. Not to mention my few failed attempts at cheese!

Well, guess that's all I have to say for now.

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Posted by wi/CourageKnight at 11:19 AM CDT
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