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My Blog
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Knight Dreaming

It's been a long time since I last checked my web page.  The email address was so old, I'd forgotten that I'd had that email once upon a time.  And I wasn't sure I even remembered how to log in, and make the changes necessary.  Anyway, the email is current now.  But my webpage still isn't. 

I've been meaning to make some changes.  Wanted to edit some of my stories, since my kids are now reading my webpage.  Wanted to make them a little less slash and graphic, but keep the general feeling of the story.  Don't know when I'll find time to do all that.  I've promised a very good friend of mine that I would finish the Dance series and the Voyager series, and I mean to keep that promise.  Even if I missed my own deadline. I had said I'd do it for her for Christmas.  Obviously, I missed it.  We're still in the Christmas season, but I just don't have the time or the ideas to do it.  So I'm re-reading my Voyager series, and trying to get back into the mood. 

 It's helped that my son is home from the army (was in Kuwait and Korea, never Iraq) and we've been watching Voyager reruns in the afternoons.  It's funny, though, because we've both read my stories enough, that we keep expecting Nick to be a part of the episodes!  And once my son even asked me when Nick got his sight back.

 Oh well, guess that's it for now.  I'm new to blogs, and don't even know if this will post correctly.  But I've been told all my life that a good writer keeps a journal. I've never been very good at that.  We'll see.


Posted by wi/CourageKnight at 2:24 PM CST
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