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Is This How God Feels?

An incessant throb pounding in your skull.
The slow, soft whisper of unknown voices in some unreachable corner of your mind.
A universe of creatures and people pounding at the gates of your conscious mind begging to be released and acknowledged.

Is this how God feels?

The ability to create a world rich in life.
The ability to destroy that world into oblivion.
To have infinite knowledge.
To have the mentality of a newborn.
To love with the unconditionalness of a parent.
To hate with the rage of a flame.
To know the empathy and compassion of good.
To know the lethargy and horrors of evil.

Is this how God feels?

This is the struggle we writers must go through.
This is the agony we undertake.
For each creation is our child, good or bad.
The creation, the guidance, and finally setting free into the world.
Something that was once a thought, is now a living entity.

This must be how God feels.


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