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There Are Only A Few Days Left...

What will the new year bring?
What will humanity's fate be?
Is the end in site?
Or just the begining of another journey?
Will the banks fail?
Will my computer go crazy?
Will there be looting?
Will they cancel my favorite show?

Will I starve when they take my food? Will it hurt when the mauraders strike?
Will it burn when the fires plunder?
Will I drown when the tsunami hits?
Will the sky fall?
Will the stars cry in pain?
Will the aliens come down and fry my brains?
Will the devil take over?
Will Christ come down for us all?

The beginning and the end.
Sometimes they are one in the same.
Like a snake eating its own tail, the conflict will never end.
It doesn't matter what happens in the future, its how you handle the now that will save you.
Tomorrow never comes and yesterday is but a dream.

See you all on the other side of 2000.


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