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© 1999

i am such an angry girl

so you shake your head and sigh

deem it a phase in my life and

move on.

two years later i am still

such an angry girl

i have all these frustrations with

no where to go.

i have all this hate, and most importantly, all this


and nothing to do with it

no constructive way to channel it

i am such an angry girl.

it's a phase, you assure me

shaking your head and sighing

you roll your eyes to my mother and whisper

"she's such an angry girl."

but this, this is no cause for alarm.

and my good qualities,

me love

my creativity

my passion for music, for artists, for people

sometimes for life

it gets lost in the shuffle.

my love is useless

because i love people who don't care in return

my creativity

just gets me into trouble

my passion for music, fellow artists, and people in


my occasional passion for life

just contributes to this angry phase


the connection seems unclear.

i am such an angry girl.

i am angry with you

i am angry with me


but i believe you.

i am sure it's just a phase in my

angry existence.

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