Rafael Gomez
Big sky.
Big Texas rains come sweeping across the El Paso city desert.
The streets turn into makeshift rivers as the water streams down them, across them, and up them.
A cool ozone breeze wafts through the air and carries with it the thunderous echoes of the fleeting lightning. Children play in the growing streams and puddles, while adults scurry back and forth in futile attempts to stay dry.
The nights are different.
At times a gray mist will hang over the city.
Humid and heavy, the air reeks of the clouds, pregnant with rain.
The air is alive with electricity.
Lightning dances across the night sky turning it into day, if only for brief seconds.
Thunder claps far off in the distance.
Big sky.
Big Texas rains.
Rafael Gomez is an artist/writer who lives in South Florida with his wife. Dark Truths is his creation.