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Now, when you're done there, I can tell ya that Im Mikey, I live in Milwaukee, a city known for beer, cheese, and cannibals. I hate beer, i like my cheese really processed, and unless ya count nail-biting as a cannibal tendency you can tell I am not too excited by this lil' city I call home. My most prominent feature is my knack for having metal embedded into my body, a practice known as BODY PIERCING!!! oooh, excitin huh? But anyways, This is what I got done for those in the know....

1.both eyebrows

2.toungue stretched to a 4 gauge

3.each ear stretched to a 0 gauge

4.bridge of my nose

5.tribal bird tattoo on the left side of my head

6.my labret

7.my septum

8.my nipples too, which actually hurt...

I've got a pink half mohawk at the moment, I need to redye it soon because it fades faast as hell. I'm 6'2", 140 lbs., brown eyes and I shaved off my eyebrows, and it actually looks pretty good when I have it shaved clean....

I work at UPS in Oak Creek, a puller on the Black Belt.

I don't smoke, I drink on occasion, and I honestly have never done a drug in my life.... yep, not even weed... I think drugs are only good for rock stars, everyone else is just wastin' their time...

I am "dating" (hate that word, I dont go on dates, ya know...) a grrl named Alicia, who I am not allowed to tell ya much about cuz she politely asked me not to... It took a ton of ass-kissing to get even a picture of her on here, but here it is.


In some more news, I've added a webcam to my page... time will tell how much I keep it on, but check it out anyways...


And one more thing.... I've been doing a one-man band thing lately, called Nuclear Powered Satan. If you go to

Nuclear Powered Satan.com

You can find sum NPS stuff to buy, and sum iffy sounding MP-3s too, but hell its me so who cares...

My Top CD's As Of May 24th, 2000 In No Particular Order

Email: grinch666_1@yahoo.com