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Introduction To Holistic Science

Most of us know how to make it clear as to the felt relative precision of expression as we relate to others an experience of the "out there". As intelligent life over the long run of evolution, we have insisted on plain language for expressing truth. Standard Model science expresses truth by using the jargon of a tiny Elite. Holistic Science starts with realizing that the point, line and surface in physical space are pre-existent  live entities to which non-causal math symbols do not apply.

The line in space is a touching series of mass pts = math pts whose size and shape vary to mark ambient energy density for the location. The live "events" that allow us to see and be bound by such pts and lines, is the transfer of energy along helical-string paths, as radiation that must wrap around a varying radius R-size mass pt. 

Models that use non-live concepts for the point, line and surface in space cannot be complete in verifying truth. Because of Kurt Gödel's theorem, one validates the need for the described mass pt = math pt concept; as elementary prerequisite to any truth at the local level of physical reality. One then looks to elevated common sense in creating a new Holistic Science that uses a the formal approach as a "tool", always within that larger holism which is intuitively based. As with all tools, formalisms should be employed one carefully scaled iteration at a time; to seek understanding  of the whole in terms of nested, operative parts in so far as one can.

Holistic Science is human reality both "in here" and "out there", with the "in here" being at the top of the hierarchy; even if only in a subliminal sense to the formalistic mind. Holistic Science means individuals and groups applying the scientific method to specifics are guided by a common vision of truth about the Whole; i.e., about the Unity of reality in all of its facets, both measurable and un-measurable.

An Holistic Science honors an underlying benevolent order. That order includes an atomic ratchet release mechanism that will not let occur, the all-destructive black hole singularity at the center of the gravity field. The cyclic storage and return of energy to/from ubiquitous MDCOGs allows atoms to form and prodigiously build; via closed helical loop, string-energy-binding of complex molecules and substances. Yet, in a given measurement on a given day, UH allows the simple focus on just a two-nested-level mass pt pre-geometry to gain or record all the information one could want; when the new math needed is comfortable on the computer.

Over the gift of time, UH allows self-replication that extends and repeats the energy-as-blueprint-information gain, by playback as desired. Thus giving all the option of being creator and master of private and public destiny. Life itself is then the only Big Bang or Big Crunch. This mind and heart mending vision is why the pyramid with the eye on top on every dollar bill, has been used in Figure 5-4: [].

Science failed to give formal credence to the obvious at a critical moment in its development. When the ether, the fluid of space, was denied in 1905, the following is what should and could have been announced and proven using common sense alone.

Einstein first said no ether is necessary and then invented his own by pure hidden variable, metric surface abstraction that left his ether mechanically false.

Space is not just abstractly curved but in a full mechanical, fluid-like sense; as we unconsciously observe and feel it to be. It is electrons rotating about the atomic nucleus and about aggregates of atomic nuclei. It is the moon rotating about the Earth, the Earth rotating about the Sun, the Solar System rotating about the center of the Milky Way, and so on without any apparent end. It is a circularly laminated, concentric and self-replicating (fractal) structure where each nesting level is an integrated whole that is meaningfully greater than any sum of observable parts. Most obvious of all throughout history, has been the fact of a mysterious harmony in and between all; a vision not unlike that of the motions of a large flight of birds, or a school of fish. Everything is clearly coordinated in a way that demands space be full and not empty, and driven by a dynamic universal harmony UH).

Should not common sense now insist on an obvious truth; that space is fluid and full of coherent motion. It is a previously unspoken Gödel sentence whose time has come. And finally, please think carefully about this: unified force must act in an always touching, no-distance manner,  from something to something, no matter how small or large the something must be in order to get rid of nothing.

The visible holisms of physical reality as experienced daily are surely worthy of being considered as a set of natural (not merely abstract) reference frames for human cognition. Should we not want a way to measure and predict both within and outside the atom with the same sense of coordinates and basic physical laws?

We are yet to go beyond the solar system with our probing. At least we should have some suspicion that we cannot extrapolate safely to even the galactic level, much less the universe; until we get a better handle on what external reality is as we actually experience and use it everyday. We do not even know what an atom or an electron is yet, except in a very fuzzy way. We are far from a full understanding of the earth we stand upon or the atmosphere we freely move about in and breathe. We have only relatively vague understanding with no why at all about how the living cell comes about and how it functions so faithfully with the many larger wholes it belongs to.

How does the common sense of the majority of us accept that the combined cells of a tiny number of human brains now understand the universe well enough to predict Big Bang followed by Big Crunch? It cannot be proved and any of us have faith in either logical common sense or survival, so one can bet on mistakes in both the formal and intuitive sense by formal scientists along the way. For the author these mistakes are already proven by higher law, and are here proven in the formal sense by a better ability to predict as well as understand. Most important, we will have achieved the greatly improved ability to cause and fully utilize the future.

Science ought to be better behaved than what happened to it in the twentieth century; or so the author suggests as he pushes for a new Holistic Science for the twenty first century. Though one is most often limited by economics and technology in choosing experiments, the change should be that the experimenter has an improved holistic view of what is workable and worthwhile.

Holistic Science embraces art and mystery in the sense of that which is not directly observable as of today; i.e., that which lies beyond formal measurement as we currently define it. Holistic Science realizes our ability to measure is ever new, and as the art and mystery of yesterday becomes formally observed and known, there will always be plenty of it that is ever new. Such is the always better reality of the whole that everyone should want. It is in the methodical pursuit of such a reality for all that the next three chapters seeks to formalize; as a new beginning for building a larger and more dependable science that is more broadly held than ever before.

Holistic Science is always unfinished and greater than the sum of its parts.

So how does one practice Holistic Science, and by doing so, show what it is and is not using plain language? Endless iteration has been and continues to be the only recourse seen by the author, and he freely admits that it is an ongoing process. As a result of such iteration, and the reader's needs, this chapter is structured by headings and overlapping content in such a way that the reader can skim and jump around as required to facilitate understanding. The index supports this approach.

Model Formalization

One labors here to logically structure the Plain Language Model with words and a minimum of mathematical symbols such that another might accept it as elementary science that can be understood intuitively without the aid of math at all. By "accept it as elementary science" is meant that those schooled in science to the level of a second year college student, whatever the discipline of specialty, can recognize the model as having an adequate amount of four distinct attributes. These formal model attributes are: (1) a clearly recognizable representation of independent physical reality as to general scope, structure, and operation, (2) good foundation with respect to conformance with everyday observation and with established scientific data, (3) is logically consistent within itself, and (4) has promise with respect to its ability to predict the results of properly designed scientific experiments. “Properly designed experiments will be defined herein and will not deny any already completed landmark experiments.

The more difficult part devoted to the last attribute will attempt to tie the plain language model to a modified standard model and extend practical prediction well into the next century. To do this with a good degree of technical adequacy, the author found it necessary to divide Model Formalization into two parts. The first part organized around key historical developments, and Part II is essential expansion of detail and a step by step comparison with the Standard Model.

In both chapters, math is explained in several ways in plain language so that understanding is intuitively complete and the math is seen as a handy tool.

In Part I, a powerful story is being told using plain language and simple algebra tools. By tackling the listed subjects in historical order, while deriving the equations of natural law, one evolves a model and creates a climate for its acceptance. By acceptance one means that the reader views the model as a valid representation of physical reality.

The verb "morph" as used here is defined as "a seamless and smooth transformation of a visual image, no matter how detailed". By "dot-matrix", one is referring to fluid space as being uniformly peppered in a nested way with the finite maximum density black hole MDCOGs.

This chapter has not been easy to write, and despite one's most stubborn pursuit of plain language clarity, the author knows that it may prove even more difficult to read; but only because we have so much to unlearn. One here uses the idiom of the first computer-literate generation when needed to achieve graphic visualization. New verbs like "morph" and nouns like "pixel", "dot-matrix", "operating system" (OS), and "virtual reality software" are used in an entirely scientific way. One needs all the help he can get from the still small number of software oriented systems scientists that are researching the Web as the 21st Century gets underway.


Early Fundamental discovery


Figure 5-5 presents a brief summary of the author's early trail of discovery in pursuit of a means of formalizing what was already understood intuitively as described in Chapters 1 through 4. Though physical reality is mostly about an un-measurable but mechanically visualizable and intuitively knowable universe, the author realized it's underlying order could be formalized upon studying Kepler's data. The universal harmony (UH) that Kepler was seeking was indeed in the orderly motions of the planets, which he successfully modeled with three laws that are still the basis for celestial mechanics, and which allowed Newton to discover the law of gravity. The underlying harmony was largely revealed by Kepler's and Newton's laws, but the very tight, almost tautological coupling of fundamental parameters remained undiscovered. The ideas of mass, M, and energy, 3v2, and their geometric density of arrangement were inescapably tied to a Two-Set ratio of nested orbiting radii which appear in established gravity law as R and G.


Upon finding 1/h in Kepler's data, the author realized that GM = Rv2 = a constant moment of energy (MOE) of a given gravity field where R is the distance from its maximum density center; so that field structure means v2 varies inversely with R. If mass, M, was constant, then Newton's gravity constant, G', could not be mechanically right for all fields. The radius, G, of the fine grain dark matter embedded object (EO) forming the shell surface whose radius is R, must vary without limit in the directions of both small and large in order to mechanically visualize physical reality. Pursuing the nested balls reality of the first four chapters, one now began to find a means of formalizing or making explicit what is already implicitly there in one’s mind.


One could now fully visualize the nested balls picture of reality, and see its necessary pre-existent R/G mass pt Two-Set geometry (pre-geometry); to allow simple algebraic formalization of an underlying Universal Harmony (UH). All that was missing was a way to visualize in detail and formally model the necessary transfer of energy as radiation from one R-size mass pt location in space to the next contiguous one in line so that QED could join shrinking mode gravity as an expansion mode of a supergravity unified field.


Seeing vividly at last what Einstein was trying to do and had not quite done in his Geometrodynamics, the author was able to discover a sense of final scientific truth.


A very dynamic mechanical ether for energy transfer had to be not only present, but it had to be causally connected to all experience at the local mass pt = math pt level. The contiguous material point structured field of Newton and Maxwell could not be abandoned as Einstein would have it, but had to be given the necessary live dynamic and nested (hidden variable) properties required for an infinitely layered, dot-matrix-like, pixel-based reality that could do the real time causal morphing peculiar to us. Our particular size-regime layer of self-regenerating material existence lies on a background of an infinite, all immersing dark matter energy that allows us to look at an equally infinite, heavenly foreground array of visible matter holisms.


Discussion Outline

   Basic Story Told In Visualized Detail

Harmony of motion found by Kepler as expressed in his three laws on the orbit motion of the planets in rotating about the Sun: 1609 - 1618

Orbit speed, v, of Planet x depends only on radial, R, from a center of gravity of maximum mass, Mmax . Kepler's harmony can be expressed in the gravity energy form,

Eq.(4) GxMmax/(Rxe) = (vx)2.  Mmax = 1/h2; making the Solar System radius for Mmax equal to unity, and packs the R-size Mmax sphere of 1 cm radius with spheres of radius G = h! Kepler's harmony tells of (1) a dimensionless universe, and (2) a *dot-matrix ubiquity of circulating dark matter Mmax-level black-holes that are small enough to immerse visible matter and impart gravity force; implying an underlying dynamic ether capable of  mechanical energy transport.

Michelson/Morley experiment about the ether in 1887 and Einstein's 1905 Principle of Relativity and denial of the ether

Kepler, Newton and Einstein left begging questions, "What is gravity process? How does it morph space to yield what we feel and see?" Could mechanical energy transport medium, or ether, as unified field for gravity and radiation do it all? - But Einstein used failed experiment to declare no ether and began search for a way to morph space to allow a constant speed of light without a real mechanical ether for transmission. Special and general relativity become successful predictors without mechanical understanding and with many logical singularities.

The author's stubborn search for an ether using the concepts of a live fluid space


Defining a new nucleus for atom as an anchor for the ether; black holes literally everywhere


travel distance is morphed to make measured light speed the same going with and against gravity

Insistence on ether in the light of Kepler's harmony, leads to fluid grain mosaic of mass pt Two-Sets capable of carrying radiation energy from atomic sources to farthest reach of the cosmos and back in universal cyclic rhythm. Visible matter consists of resonant fluid grains as mass pts held together in 1,2,or 3 directions by radiation energy flowing in closed loops per Eq.(4). Atom has a maximum density sphere of 10-14 cm radius whose surface is packed with 1052 embedded objects (EOs) whose radius is 10-40 cm. Dot-Matrix pre-geometry morphs the size of the math pt = mass pt to set constant speed of light and provide unified force field. Mass pt to mass pt energy flow is at absolute maximum speed, vmax = 237c along a helical path, measured along centerline at speed c. Minimum energy, h, is the fixed amount of mass pt to mass pt energy transfer. Unit distance literally morphs so that the forward speed of the helix is same regardless of width; light frequency is a function of average helix width. Redshift is not due to universe expansion but appears as natural entropy of E = Mc2; as atomic-stored mass re-distributed as radiation.


*"Dot-Matrix" refers to uniform distribution of maximum density centers of gravity (MDCOGs)as spinning black holes


Figure 5-5:  Summary of Part I, of Plain Language Model Formalization

The Michelson and Moreley experiments would fail because the light used for measurement is superimposed expansion mode undulations of the gravity-ether field that they wanted to measure. Use of an unrecognized mode of gravity to measure and confirm its recognized but not understood mode is a physical impossibility.


Lack of clear recognition of the radiation-driven expansion mode of gravity, as unknowingly modeled by his E = Mc2, resulted in the failure of Einstein's gravity theory in terms of the singularities it produced called Big Bang and Infinite Density Black Holes. The acknowledged singularities of Einstein's theory clearly signaled its inability to support force and thus field unification. His relativistic mass concept was also a clear signal that the dynamics of his field was fundamentally false no matter how well it might be able to predict. Confident in his almost-complete understanding in an intuitive sense, Einstein was able to find and apply a set of advanced math tools that let him coming equally close to formalizing a theory for everyone to be able to follow that also predicted miraculously well.


The Cosmological Constant was meant to have the same effects as the expansion mode of gravity: i.e.,(1) the rhythmic return of the energy of grain size compression with constructive rather than destructive outcomes, and (2) a positive curvature for all nested grain ensembles in the direction of large, without limit. The two-way process of E = Mc2 in terms of radiation flow inward as well as outward from atomic/molecular matter turns out to be the required Cosmological Constant. Had he realized the math point had to be causal when placed into physical reality, he would have been able to find a way to integrate E = Mc2 as vital part of a unified theory.


Dimensions and dimensional analysis have been necessarily altered here so that mass is a derived and not a fundamental quantity. The cgs system of units is preferred because it preserves the scalar symmetry one wishes to consistently reveal by using the new approach to dimensions analysis in conjunction with UH.


One strives to make sure the term "mass" applies to both dark and visible matter, and that the G in the formulas for gravity can be allowed to vary as a unit mass embedded object radius without confusion. The approach is critical to visualizing the intrinsic pre-geometry of space and thereby grasping the new model.


Keplers's Laws: space is indeed fluid and full of motion


Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) provided the first real quantification of universal harmony (UH) based on accumulated empirical data. His mentor and sponsor, the Danish nobleman, Tycho Brahe, who died in 1601, left Kepler the legacy of an extensive and relatively accurate data base on the apparent motions of the stars and planets. Beginning in 1609 and ending in 1618, Kepler found the fundamental harmonies he had been searching for in the motions of the planets; expressing them in three plain language statements. These statements became the foundation of celestial mechanics and the primary basis for Newton’s discovery of gravity.

 (1) The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus; (2) The straight line joining a planet and the sun sweeps over equal areas during equal times; (3) The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their respective mean distances from the sun.


The harmony of planetary motion is shown by the essentially constant value in the last column of Table 5-1, which is the product of (1) the mean radius from the Sun and (2) the square of the mean orbit speed; here designated as the Moment of Energy (MOE) of the field. The data shown in Table 5-2 is introduced at this point to show that the constant MOE closely approaches the value of Planck's Constant, h! One simply assumed this was non-accidental.  Suddenly, a lot of things started falling in place and the mind’s mechanical-seeing eye began an avalanche of thought experiments!


An assumed orbit for the Sun about the Solar System MDCOG is shown in a demonstration. Last column data for the planets, the Sun and the moon present a remarkable harmony involving h and c; one about which Kepler's laws strongly hint, but do not fully embrace. These data and the gravity law implications of the mathematical relation at the head of the last column are discussed extensively below because they provide vital revelations about Universal Harmony (UH). To see and accept as fact the amazing unity in the data on planet motions, one needs clarified concepts of motion, energy, and mass, and to realize that their variation and units of measure are coupled in an intimate manner.


The central role of Planck's Constant, h, in the right hand, Moment of Energy (MOE) column for the motion of the planets and the Sun as shown in Table 5-1, is of extraordinary significance. Least energy, h, is inversely tied to orbit energy; for the planets, and possibly for all other orbiting objects, including electrons in orbit around the atomic nucleus. 


Kepler's data and the concepts of motion, energy, mass and units of measure


Upon careful study, it turned out that the unit mass angular momentum at the outer surface of the causal MDCOG at the center of every field is preserved. That is, the radius of the MDCOG times the 3-axis spin energy, the simplest index of the stirring power of the MDCOG, remains constant at every mass pt location in the dark matter gravity field that is stirred up by that MDCOG. Each dark matter mass pt must be circulating at a speed such that the orbit speed squared times the distance to the outer boundary of the MDCOG is equal to the radius of the MDCOG times its 3-axis spin energy! This is the plain language description of Universal Harmony (UH).


It does not matter what the mass of the planet or other orbiting object is, as a more or less solid whole its equilibrium in the field means that it must be traveling in synch with dark matter circulation at that radial location in the field. The planets and the Sun are all rotating about a Solar System gravity field MDCOG and must keep up with the force-imparting circular flow of dark matter.



Table 5-1: Interpretation of  Kepler's Data  to  Reveal Planck's Constant, h.                                             


                               Unit Mass Orbital Motion Parameters for the Planets

                               R                   T             v = 2pR/T            v2                Rv2    

                        Mean Dist.   Mean Time   Mean Orbit   Net Orbit      = GMmax;    

                        From Sun;    of Orbit;       Speed;           Energy;          

                        cm x 1014       sec x 109        cm/secx106     ergsx1013       erg-cmx1026


Mercury         .05789462     .00760061     4.78596749    2.29054848     1.32610432


Venus             .10815972     .01941408     3.50048802    1.22534164     1.32532603


Earth              .14959850     .03155846     2.97845646    .887120291     1.32711865°


Mars                .22798811     .05935507     2.41342743    .582463197     1.32794686


Jupiter            .77836100     .37433578     1.30647049   .170686514     1.32855725


Saturn            1.4280673      .92957760     .965256852   .093172079     1.33055985


Uranus           2.8722912     2.6513568      .680675575    .046331924     1.33078777


Neptune         4.5014189     5.1998976      .543919351     .029584826    1.33173694


Pluto              5.9091408      7.8364800      .473787043    .022447416     1.32644942


averages         1.7814356     1.9010640     1.96093875      .594188485    1.32828745


derived           .01192629     .000666143   11.2490897     12.654302       1.50918897

for Sun 

rot. abt           cm x 1014       sec x 109       cm/secx106      ergsx1013        erg-cmx1026

SS MDCOG  (.206Merc)    (7.7 days)      (.00037c)                                 (NET 1/h !)  



Table 5-2: Unit mass orbital parameters for the Sun about center of galaxy and  

                  Moon about the Earth


                           R               T = 2pR/v       v = 2pR/T             v2                    Rv2   

                   Mean Dist.        Mean Time    Mean Orbit     Net Orbit    

                  From MDCOG of Orbit          Speed               Energy             = GMmax  

                  (centimeter)       (seconds)         (cm/sec)           (ergs)               (erg-cm)   


Sun             3.12x 1021         9.80x 1014         2 x 107            4 x 1014            1.25x 1036  


Moon          3.816x1010       2.3606x106       1.0232x105     1.046x1010        3.992x1020

Amazingly since 1/h is indicated as the common MOE for all the Planets and the Sun, this means that the MDCOG radius of the Solar System must have a radius of unity so that one times 3(vmax)2 = one times 1/h = 1/h! This unitary MDCOG gravity field is shown in Figure 5-2 []. What does this incredible revelation mean? It means that proper spacetime coordinates for incrementing fundamental parameters is not for us to choose but is built-in to our celestial perspective here on Earth in the Solar System. One here shows that the gravity field is a logarithmic growth spiral fractal structure and is itself the only viable non-linear coordinate system of reference, whose undeniable causal origin is the live, spinning mass pt = math point of finite radius called the MDCOG.


The fact that the mass of the Earth is very close to 1/h should not now be surprising. Being in the perceptual middle of experience of physical reality, it is natural that r and v2 for the Earth be very close to equal in magnitude and equal to the square root of h so their product is h! But what has all this symmetry to say about how we must re-cast our concepts of energy, mass, force and their units of measure? Finding Planck’s constant in Kepler’s data led the author to find the indelible common denominator of our attempts to model physical reality is the idea of  "patterns of motion" as the causally alive holistic basis for material existence.


Motion of what? The motion of the thought-experiment mass object here called a mass pt = math pt; where one takes into full account that the mass pt is constantly changing its rotation or spin motion, its vibration (breathing in and out) motion and its translation motion. The causal-chameleon math pt = mass pt incredibly changes its size and shape to fit in with absolute harmony and least friction with its surroundings!


One will see in many ways why the idea of mass pt motion ought to be thought of as everywhere-infinite, yet one particular snapshot regime of that infinite plurality, the tiny math pt part we are able to focus on as a momentarily indivisible event-location, nicely encodes all we could possibly want to know about all motion in the direction of small at that event-location.


By “snapshot regime” and “even-location” one is referring to the visibility making, minimum-energy-quantum- (h)-passage of a single R-size mass pt re-radiation “event”. That universally happening telltale event signals a constant acceleration and linear-measured speed of c for a helical string of 1/h dark matter Higgs particles. That helical string packet of Higgs particles in motion provides a momentarily locatable math pt address in the ever-churning fluid of space.


The chaining of such R-size mass pt events form light rays and allows us to measure the presence of  a “photon”. The photon is relatively infinitesimal yet precisely finite, has a frequency of “on-off” pulsing, and makes repeating tracks though space to form complex patterns. The photon as closed loop electron energy and radiation literally sews atoms and molecules together in endless combinations. The photon as redshifted electron serves to formally encode, encapsulate, bind and bring to human consciousness and being, all that is knowable and feelable about the Universe! 

Extending Kepler's harmony to include the tracking of electrons inside the atom


The motions of the planets and the Sun as complex nested patterns of mass pts = math pts does indeed reveal a universal harmony which Kepler unconsciously realized but was not able to fully formulate as such.


In visualizing all possible movement of any observable object, whether the object is a planet, a satellite or photon/electron, three types of motion must be addressed that are inherent to the make up of the object and its location in the gravity field. In addition to the translation (orbit) motion about external axes, motion about internal axes must be addressed in terms of rotation and vibration.    


So how does one get translation, vibration and rotation motion to a common mechanically definition of energy that fits Keplers data? Surface Geometry with a variable surface depth seems to be the key since translation is along a solid line that can be viewed as a linear segment of an orbit that ultimately revolves to define a surface.  But one also wants to begin the definition of energy as it applies the same to dark or visible matter; which requires the definition of angular momentum for a unit mass pt,  h' = 2pGv, where G is the radius of the mass pt. G here is the radius of the helical string of Higgs particles, the width of the minimally visible mass-object, the photon, as it pulses through space. Least energy and UH-specified criteria for visible matter is h' =  h = 2pGminvmax. G and v are inversely coupled.


For dark matter, G and v are assumed to synchronously vary per UH in the directions of both increase and decrease without limit. That is, only visible matter has a limit as given by h = 2pGminvmax as an observer-perspective-specified criteria for the experienced meaning of "visible".  Gmin is the minimum radius of the helix of radiation as it exists at the outer surface of the atomic MDCOG. What has this to do with the harmony of motion of the planets?  The value of h sets a common rhythm.


The light from the sun’s atoms being reflected off the planets allowed the motion of the planets to be measured. In being reflected off the planets, the light tells us of the granularity of its surface, which in turn tells us of the infinite pattern of motion per UH of the location in space being momentarily marked by that the given planet as a live mass pt = math pt.  Put another insightful way, UH as uniquely installed and operating with continual aliveness in both inorganic and organic forms of material existence as we know them, require this definition of visibility as a matter of inherently (built-in) interactive scaling. As long as visible matter for an observer is comprised of atoms and molecules, then the above limits of G, v, and h' are operative as a matter of a built-in scalar-relative perspective that is absolute with respect to all biological observers. The numerical values imparted to these variables as a function of the granularity of the radiating surface, is what can tell us all that we need to know about the given mass object as a complex “live event” location in fluid space. The words “location”, “live event”, “mass pt” and “math pt” are all  dynamically synonymous for math modeling, prediction and mechanical understanding purposes.


The mechanical extrapolation of what the helical string extrusion of light energy is telling us about the source visible object and its location in fluid space, leads to a complete intuitive understanding of the universe! As the ultimate source and sink of all radiation energy, the structure of the atom is being told to us by every ray of light in the observable universe! For the first time in history, we can take that intuitively knowing as given by Kepler’s synthesis and make a formal model from it that all humans can understand as truth! What is that intuitive knowing? The following paragraphs summarize Kepler’s “light of truth”.


The presence of circulating dark matter immerses visible matter and moves it to an equilibrium of motion whereby it is circulating at the same speed as the dark matter. Visible matter can be causally described as that which dark matter imparts energy and force to. The structure of the field as revealed by observing the stable orbiting of visible matter tells all; including the precise size of the MDCOG causal maximum density mass of 1/h2grams at its center. This is as true of the atom as gravity field as it is of the Solar System as gravity field. The difference is one of planets vs electrons in orbit, and the dark matter circulation as a stratum of concentric shell surfaces provides the synchronous orbit paths (“electron shells”) for all visible matter that may enter and remain stable for measurement purposes.


The dual nested infinite paisley of finite-black-hole-MDCOG- generated dark matter fields, continually exchange spin energy; at levels below, at and above what we are capable of directly experiencing. We are not free to mentally discard the infinite smallness of underlying reality simply because it is forever invisible to our instrumentation. We are biologically at freedom to make cognizance encompass all the infinite entailment of UH as it benevolently applies to our Being of Combined Mind and Body; and by that innate freedom spread ourselves harmoniously throughout the universe without spiritual limit. Please excuse this spirited proclamation that we are free to use as well as vividly see Wheeler’s final A implies B truth; that visible matter implies dark matter which in turn implies intuitive knowing, physics and math; in that precise order!


Intuitively, one now vividly feels and sees with the mind’s eye that the Solar System and the atom are completely analogous and that Kepler’s laws must apply equally in both places. But to formalize, to properly math model that sameness, one must re-invent the fundamental notions of physics and math.


Simplest universal definitions of  force, energy and mass


In the meantime, the simplest universal definition of energy is expressed as dark matter mass pt angular momentum, h’ = 2pGv,  per unit of time and measured in terms of  h’ = h that emanates from the surface of an MDCOG-driven R-size mass pt one turn at a time as re-radiation. The most important thing to understand about dark matter energy is that it is everywhere infinite all the time; even in the smallest conceivable grain of fluid space. Of equal importance is the realization that what we perceive as 3-D space is being generated in real-time by radiation.

Dark energy’s absolute backdrop of space is infinitely nested or spherically folded without limit in the directions of both big and small. We can know and understand that absolute nested space only in an intuitive ontological way. Once one sees this truth in a mechanically visualized way, it is prima facie that our formalisms can never be complete; as tediously proven by Kurt Gödel in 1931 by the purest of logic. As has been suggested many times in different ways, all formal knowing is merely making explicit what is already implicit in the mind.


Why must it be so? How do we get and stay beyond what is physically observed with the mind’s eye when it is merely a miniscule part of the whole it conjures, yet still function as an integral part of that whole whatever its size? What we observe and measure as energy and 3-D space is inescapably relative to the observer in the real world out there. That is, the measurable backdrop called space is an observer-relative, very dynamic pre-geometry of dark matter mass pts that are rigidly bound by the passage of radiation; a radiation that it hosts and gives energy to, as an underlying, non-observable mechanical ether. Radiation as we are at liberty to experience it, and be miraculously composed by it, only comes from the atoms that we are made of. As science fiction has suggested for a long time now, we are indeed made of the pure energy of radiation! But unlike science fiction, that pure energy is the vessel and much more. Our individual and collective spiritualities, our soul and Being is a precious overlay in, of and by the vessel of flesh. What we call Being is a complex self-regenerative pattern of re-radiation chaining that runs at the higher nested levels of that UH-driven harmony of visible mass pt sizes that measurably begins in biology with each living cell.


To complete an intuitive understanding of dark and visible energy, one must ask what is the meaning of "unit of proper time", t, as one turn of a mass pt?  The simplest logical, mechanical definition is t  = (mass pt perimeter) times (the perimeter’s speed of motion) = (2pG)(v) = h'! So mass pt angular momentum and proper time are the same thing in physical reality as we are privileged to observe it! This means unit time and h' varies from h at the MDCOG to unity at the extreme edge of a dark matter field where R = 1/h!


Energy at the individual mass pt level is Empt = h'/t =  e = unity, where t = Unit Time Vector which is angular momentum and the tick-period of  the dark or visible matter as translated to solid-line-area swept per unit of observer's time as one turn of the mass pt oscillator.


The best one can do for dark matter energy, force and mass is to symbolize and intuitively understand that they are everywhere infinite and nested without limit:


(-1) Edm = +¥n(h'/t) = +¥ne,  Fdm = Edm/t, Mdm = (Edm)2 where n = 1,2,3….. +¥.


Visible or observed and measured energy, force and mass have to be a peculiar-to-us finite piece or slice of dark matter energy, force and mass.


Notions about physical reality as we perceive and measure them are best defined in their simplest forms by beginning with force because that is how dark matter energy and mass are first and continuously felt and measurably perceived. That is, the infinitely tiny portion of dark matter force applied to that single peculiar-to-us nesting level, re-radiating R-size mass pt comprising just the outer visible surface of a matter object, is measured as gravity. So one begins with Newton’s extension of Kepler’s Laws wherein force is equal to visible outer surface mass, M, times acceleration, a = e/G, as a unified force at the R-size mass pt level where M = 1.


(1) FN =  N[(M = 1)a] = N[(h/t)/G] = N[e/G]!  N is the equivalent number of atomic


MDCOGS that are involved in the radiation-applied unified force. That means N = NmNa = [number of radiating molecules][number of atoms per molecule]. Because h’ = h only at the surface of an MDCOG, N is always a count of MDCOGs whether the matter involved is dark or visible. For dark matter, N is always infinite. For visible matter, N is finite but relatively large number of atomic MDCOGs that are in the measurement instrument’s aperture. The important reality here is that unit energy per unit distance is by definition equal to unit force per universal harmony (UH) because the mass pt size changes continually to keep it so!  For us this means that the re-radiating mass pt must be generally of a molecular size, constituted by a significant number of atoms on the order of at least two orders of magnitude or 50 to 100. In other words, the frequency, f, for photon energy is only telling us the average size of the mass pts doing the re-radiating in the instrument aperture! Color as identified by frequency is telling us what the radiating molecule size is and the size of its UH-coupled surface defining G size mass pt, to yield curvature and unified force.


Force is an always touching mass pt-local radiation force, and because all our instrumentation is molecular, the re-radiating R-size mass pt is always molecular sized and we must take into account its nesting of atoms if we would keep the atom as fundamental building block. That is precisely how we must correlate characteristic light spectra with the periodic table and recognize built-in redshift. Redshift tells about source molecular size and only indirectly tells about source atomic size and average energy state. Of course a radiating unified force applying molecular sized mass pt can be monatomic and can always be formally attributable to a finite number of atoms.


To see force in a truly unified way, one must keep always in mind that its fundamental definition must apply to both dark and visible matter. This is easy enough to do using plain language to mechanically visualize the fact that the inverse of unit space distance, G = d = local causal math pt radius. In other words, the force acting on a math pt in space is numerically equal to the curvature of that math pt = mass pt! That means the aliveness of space, or UH in living operation at every dark matter math pt location however big or small and however infinitely nested, makes the mass pt the size that it is so that (1) it marks ambient energy density for the space it occupies, and (2) they collectively fill-without-void every nook and cranny, including within, without and at the base of all visible matter!


One must constantly be on guard to “It’s” insidious creeping into mechanical logic; i.e., the unconsciously inserted presence of “nothing” -- simply because we may unconsciously refuse to believe in something alive that cannot be seen.  It is as if it is too scary to all but the most disciplined mechanical logician and scientist; but it must be done to avoid formal absurdity and singularity everywhere!


 If you cannot deny the presence of nothing Dear Reader, then you cannot really grasp this new theory and cannot be a scientist nor logician in the holistic sense of being whole beyond the simple sum of your many parts, however infinite and grand each of those parts may be. And you may very well be in the company of Einstein and all the other great scientists of history, for none of them to the author’s knowledge, ever got rid of “nothing”. Einstein came very close, and had he given the math point six degree of freedom causality, he would have discovered how to connect his material particles to the very field they were suppose to be generating! His purely abstract field hopelessly turned his material pts into nothing!


One has illustrated in previous figures and tables what is meant by a maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) as a spinning black hole causal mass object for each gravity field, and in particular the unique MDCOG of the atom with its 1/h neutron shells fully packed with 3/h electron orbit rings that do the strong force binding. This unique hardened nucleus of 1/h shells around a pure fluid plasma Inner Gain allows stealthy growth of the MDCOG in terms of temporary or releasable proton and neutron shell storage of electrons without practical limit even for the hydrogen atom.


Outside the dark matter nucleus MDCOG with its single maximum density neutron shell as outer surface mass pt Two-Set where R/G  = 1/h = 3(vmax)2, finer grain dark matter mass pts are circulating in shells at a speed  inversely proportional to their distance from the MDCOG outer surface. Where such dark matter mass gravity fields are serving to fill the primary interstice spaces between atoms and molecules, their outer surfaces are c-boundaries.


By “c-boundary” one means that concentric shell of the field where dark mass pts are circulating at a speed of c. These c-boundaries are neutral gravity filed markers. That means any electron orbit ring of energy stored in an adjacent atom or molecule that is being absorbed or released is shared by the associated dark matter mass pt and gravity field at the point of contact with the radiating atom or molecule at the time of pulsing.


The big difference between the dark matter MDCOG and that of the atom and molecule is that one of them is capable of absorbing and then releasing electrons at the core level, while the other is not.  That means only the atoms, and the molecules they form, have in-out oriented Z-electrons that shuttle between the MDCOGs and the c-boundaries to keep them in sync per UH. The dark matter fields and mass pts that fill the interstice spaces between atoms and molecules have c-boundaries that share the constant closed loop transfers of energy that bind atoms into molecules and molecules into substances; using the same method of Z-electron energy-shuttling.   

Inside the atomic MDCOG as ultimate radiation source, unified force as supergravity gives particle physicists what they call the  “strong force” of nuclear binding. The final  minimum R-size mass pt for visible matter is an atomic Inner Grain (IG) of maximally vibrating pure fluid plasma whereat  all energy input is immediately reflected/repulsed 180 degrees back outward; which mechanically explains and defines the in-out oriented Z-electrons of the atom that serve to strong force bind together the 1/h-plus neutron shells of the nuclear core, and which visit the visible outer c-boundary of the atom and radiating molecule. Since all atoms have the common hardened core of 1/h strong force bound neutron shells, only growth neutron shells beyond the original 1/h are counted in the quantum-mechanical model of the atom. That means that dark matter must include the 1/h central strong force bound neutron shells, each of which has 1/h2 R-size mass pts that are maximally spun about all three internal axes.


The majority of the dark matter mass of the visible universe is permanently embedded within the atom in so far as its presence is measurable. The atom thus serves as energy, force and mass source and sink on a dynamic simultaneously shrinking and expanding basis; as universal ratchet-like Cosmological Constant for unified field mechanics.


As measured, force as applied to the individual R-size mass pt and to any number of them said to form a solid object of  visible matter, is all about contact between mass pt Two-Sets which are designated simply as spatially contiguous R-size mass pts as math pts. Like the pressure of Archimedes' Principle, Force is always applied over an area made of contiguous mass pts. Unified force is then the average curvature of the mass pts being contacted by other adjacent mass pts of the same curvature, multiplied by the number of contacts, N; i.e., one derives the simplest expression of force again, without Newton’s F = Ma help this time, FN = N(h/t)/G = Ne/G = a universal ratio of energy per unit distance that fits electromagnetic field structure per Maxwell, gravity field structure per Einstein, the classical  mechanics of material points, the weak force, the strong force, and any other kind of force and energy.


A definitive synchronicity is provided by UH such that the number of atomic MDCOGs and number of atoms involved in producing force as radiation is the same as the number of re-radiating mass pts that come into contact as that force is applied. The force measuring method, including tracking the motion of a known mass, must involve energy-matter transfer over a finite distance so that it is always either energy times distance or energy squared times distance per second per second. A unit of mass after all is energy stored in rotation and vibration of a mass pt about three internal axes at some average rate. Only when the unit mass pt energy is unwound as a helix of radiation does it become energy and that happens over a distance that covers c amount of distance per second. Because c is constant, it is also a measure of the acceleration of mass!


If we multiply the mass of the helix of an electron emission by its acceleration in leaving the surface of a molecule, one gets hc for the unified force that releases an electron . Since the acceleration is c, to get a consistent energy measurement as force times distance, we must use a distance of c!

One can derive E = Mc2 by noting that energy must be unified force times distance, expressed as F = Ma = Mc =e/G = hf/c, where the distance over which the measurable force moves the photon of radiation is equal to c; therefore E = (Mc)(c). One can also derive Coulomb’s Law as gravity force by requiring that when  unit charges are 1 centimeter apart, the electrostatic force must be e2 = 2.2791076x10-19 statcoulombs = energy per unit distance of a photon = hf/c, where f is the average frequency for the standard electron, which corresponds to an average atomic c-boundary radius of 4.6271298x10-9 centimeter; heavily favoring the hydrogen end of the periodic table. The plus and minus of electrostatic force versus gravity is accounted for by the fact that the notion of point charge requires that vibration energy of one charged particle temporally exceed that of the other charged particle by a standard electron amount. The vibration energy works like Archimedes buoyancy force and is opposite in direction to gravity; that is, the local radiation flux of the supergravity field is direct opposition to normal gravity as mass pt to mass pt transfer of energy along a radial in the outward direction.


The energy of one turn of the molecule in releasing the electron energy is h per Max Planck and its acceleration is so large at the value of c, we would need a second of distance just to detect it’s individual occurrence! Fortunately, statistical quantities of radiators are always available so that we measure the energy, force and mass of radiation based on integrating across a relatively large aperture or cross-section of area. The average frequency of pulsing as one turn releases of electrons is what we go by to get hf as the energy, hfc as the net force and (hf)2as the mass being moved per second. UH assures us that the statistical mix of radiating mass pts in terms of sizes is such that their total number in the aperture is the same as the number of MDCOGs and atoms that are simultaneously radiating an electron.


Force in all forms already known via consistent measurement, is a change in the local actions of directly interfacing atomic/molecular-regime gravity fields, whose internally stored energy and mass is changing in a real time manner. That means that all force, including that applied under biological control, is a change in local applied gravity.


Atoms and molecules involved in force application must be changing internal storage of energy and that the gravity field is very actively modulated in real time in direct proportion to applied force.


Unified force requires the exchange and movement of prodigious quantities of electrons as mass storage on a per atom and per molecule basis: far beyond the levels recognized by quantum electrodynamics! It turns out that relative mass, A, as given in the periodic table is count of the number of standard electrons in multiples of 1/h = 1026 that are stored in and ionization-releasable from the given atom in ground state.


A standard electron has a measurable kinetic energy of hc2 upon release from the atom or molecule. When the number of electrons released in helical path tandem reaches 1/h, the net energy of the radiation extruded as light rays is equal to c2.

One keeps using the term "extruded" for mechanical "feel" purposes. In actually serving as unified force carrier, radiation must be seen and felt as a continuous interactive touching of mass pts; a literal maximum density solid helical line from point A to point B; i.e., no force at a distance, no nothing, and the light ray comprised physically of a beaded line of radiating R-size mass pts = math pts! Its called "the new physics and math of the 21st century"; so please get used to it Dear Reader!


Simplest definition of measurable energy


The original definition of energy as work, or as force times distance remains the simplest well understood definition, and now with the notions of radiation and unified force fully defined, one may write, where An is the average relative mass of the atoms involved, n is the effective average Atomic Number of the mix of atoms, and N is the number of R-size mass pts involved in the application of force,


(2) EN = FNd = N(e/G)d = Nhf = NAnc2, where M = NAn so that EN  =Mc2 .


Per E = Mc2, each instance of ionization bombardment of the c-boundary can release no more electrons than are present as current outer shell binding energy. The key points here are (1) an ordinary atom has a huge warehouse of electrons most of which are not releasable by ordinary ionization bombardment of the outer shell, (2) an outer c-boundary depleted of electrons visiting from inside the core is going to rapidly absorb new electrons and re-charge its c-boundary, (3) that the application of E = Mc2 to a given atom can happen over and over again without practical limit. The proton and neutron outside the atom can be fully nucleated spherical shells of near maximum and maximum surface density, respectively.

The hydrogen atom has 1/h electrons stored in one proton shell plus 1 in-out oriented Z-electron whose orbit is controlled by the rotation of the proton shell. Measurable mass for the atom is restricted to the electron count that is present in the c-boundary as outermost shell of the atom and its light-tangible visible surface.


A unit of stored mass for E =Mc2 purposes is 1/h electrons immediately available to ionization release in the c-boundary. Only the new maximum density atom at the top of the new periodic table has a mass of unity. That is, Einstein's M = nec(1/h), where nec is the number of electrons present in the c-boundary, which number is here designated as the average  Z-electron count and the Atomic Number in terms of the equivalent number of standard proton shell orbiting electrons. The hydrogen atom at the bottom of the table has one Z-electron and newtonium at the top of the table has 1/h Z-electrons. In addition, the reflective symmetry of UH requires an equivalence of 1/h standard electrons to rigidly bind a proton shell to the outermost neutron shell, thereby converting that  fully (2/h) populated proton shell into a growth neutron shell that has a fully packed population of 3h stored electrons.


The core-stored electrons can only be shuttled to and from the core, the c-boundary and the outside world by the in-out oriented Z-electron.


The simplest mechanical definition of mass consistent with Eq. (1) for energy and Eq.(2) for force is,


(3) M = Nnec h =  EN /c2 = the total number of standard electrons available for


ionization release times the electron mass, h. N is the number of atoms doing the radiating as source mass pt oscillator, and nec = Mec/h, refers to the average number of stored standard electrons that are releasable from the atoms and the molecules involved. EN is the total kinetic energy of electrons as radiation and as particles. In this context, all particles can be classified in terms of their equivalent electron energy. Ionization bombardment applies at both the c-boundary of the atoms and molecules involved and at the boundaries of any nuclei that are penetrated.