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Seeing and modeling the detailed local mechanics of  visible and dark matter

Einstein's rest mass does not address dark matter. Electromagnetism (EM) is about dark matter mass pt dynamics, so science augured into quantum mechanics mystery. Electrical current as light travel in vacuum is viewable as mass-to-energy-conversion per unit proper time (e/t); i.e., e/t =  [M3(vmax)2]/t  = [e2(1/h)]/t = [h/t] = 1, as an R-size to R-size mass pt unit of light energy travel.  A equatorial ring of  1/h G-size mass pts moves from one R-size mass pt to another, kinetically transferring  h amount of energy in a one turn, one wavelength pulse of  local proper time, t = h, to the R-size mass pt =math pt next door. A unit of mass in terms of energy per the spherically symmetric dark matter field expression of the energy matter relation is, Eumd = M(3vmax)2  = (1)[ 3(vmax)2] = 1/h. For the measured visible matter compatible-asymmetric and linear field expression, a unit of mass is Eumv  = c2 =(5.955219670x10-6)(1/h). The  factor hc2 = 5.955219670x10-6 is the standard kinetic energy of the electron unit of mass as it enters and exits the atom at its visible-envelop-defining c-boundary.

In electrodynamic terms, mass is viewable as having the dimensions of one divided by time = frequency = cycles per second. That is, Mass as given in E = Mc2 is then a count of the number of electron-ring cycles of energy stored in the atom as one-turn releasable units of mass, each such unit having an energy conversion value of c2. When the electron-ring quantum of light energy travels in helical path tandem with other electron-rings from the same atom or other atoms contributing in synchrony, they form (extrude) a light ray whose centerline is a contiguous linear array of pulsing R-size mass pts. When the light ray marks a radial outward from the MDCOG that is common to the source atoms, the net conversion of atomic-stored mass to radiation energy per unit of time per Mc2 is such that measurable linear distance is created at the constant rate of c units per unit of time.  As atomic-stored mass is thus expended, the frequency and wavelength of the light must shift in precise synchrony. The total amount of mass, M, available for conversion is the same as the total number of electron orbit rings released from one or more atoms.

Atomic electron orbit ring energy counted as mass then accounts for the real-time re-creation of  measurable space and time that was previously folded into the atoms by the constantly applied inward force of gravity. The spacetime folding process is ongoing everywhere at once and is thus occurring at a compatible slower rate in terms of dark matter level absorptions that feed to atomic level absorptions.

One has just described the closed-infinite-universe cyclic morphing and un-morphing of measurable material existence. As experienced, existence is dark matter mass pts held rigidly together as visible matter by the electron-ring light energy that combines per the rhythm of UH to serve as closed-loop helical string, strong-force stitching.    

Now let the electron orbit ring be a wavelength packet of 1/h R-size mass pt pulses  of h amount of energy as released  from an atom per E = Mc2.  The atom itself becomes an R-size mass pt per UH, and what was previously called an R-size mass pt becomes a G-size mass pt; this is what is meant by mass pt nesting.  Universal Harmony knows nothing of R versus G nomenclature for describing the radius, it simply demands that the ratio of the radii forming a shell surface at all nested levels be equal to the rotational energy of the mass pt Two-Set. Furthermore the amount of radiation energy released by a given mass pt is h regardless of the size; but at the same time, light travels a molecular perimeter of distance per unit of time instead of an atomic perimeter of distance. That is, the h amount of energy is spread out over a larger linear distance. Per the rhythm of UH, stored mass in the atom and molecule when released as radiation, serves as (1) stored energy-squared, e2 for ordinary gravity MDCOG growth purposes, (2) stored light travel linear distance,d, and (3) stored light pulse duration or pulse period, 1/t; all at once! 

At both the atomic and molecular nesting levels, as for any other R-size mass pt, the electron orbit ring releases only h amount of energy per one turn; even though inside the individual atom's core as stored energy at an orbit revolution frequency of 1/h, that electron ring has an energy per unit time equal to a unit of mass! The lower frequency, longer wavelength of the molecular size mass pt oscillator means a one turn release of energy covers a longer linear distance. That is, the h amount of energy of the radiating molecule is spread out along a longer length of both distance and time, the ratio of the unit minimum increments having to remain constant at d/t = c. The standard and normalizing average values for d and t that fall out of consistent measurement are d= hc and t= h so that indeed d/t always equals (hc)/h = c. To make up the extra distance per turn of the radiating molecule, a larger number of atomic electron-ring extrusions is required. The larger the wavelength of the characteristic spectra for a given atom, the higher its energy state and the larger the number of electron-ring releases per unit of time (the count of synchronously radiation atoms inn the molecular ring) required to keep the larger molecule radiating in a continuous fashion.

The built-in redshift of frequency due to the difference in atomic and molecular radii and wavelengths for the same light event, is what keeps the speed of light constant by letting its energy spread out according to ambient energy density. The light ray is a Higgs particle helical-path-tandem-solid, spreading-out-sequence (expanding extrusion) of mass pts that are adjusting to mark a new and temporary ambience for energy density for the given address in space being momentarily occupied.

The same view of light is obtained by defining electrodynamic force (EMF), FESM , as a mechanical force acting for a unit duration of time, t; that is, FESM = Ft = a mechanical impulse. That is, FESM = tF =(t )Ma = (t)[(e/t)/G] =  e/G, where duration = Unit Time =  t  = Unit Time Vector =  e = Unit Energy Vector as the minimum measurable scalar value of both energy and time at the local mass pt level.  Again the concept of mass becomes viewable as the inverse of time and as frequency of impulsing. At the local mass pt level, the unit radius (distance) and time interval changes to maintain v = c and  therefore the unit space and time widths, d and t,  of the pulse must change in synchrony such that their ratio always equals c.

At the local R-size mass pt = math pt level, Net standard unit force acting cyclically over a period of one second is hf;  the time duration and amount of converted mass  is then represented by frequency. Like Shrinking Mode (SM) force, EM force is local mass pt energy curvature and transfers a least-increment, h' = h, of energy and mass. A unified force then acts at the mass pt level and it is equal to local energy curvature, e/G. This is UH-supported by Re/G = 3v2 = GM/Re , so e/G = 3v2/R = GM/R2e2 = Force acting on unit mass pt at the boundary of M. SM force also pulses, where gravity frequency, fg = [v/2pR] = Ö[(GM/Re)]/2pR. Orbiting visible matter follows dark matter mass pt circular flow at speed, v , much less than c. Orbiting of radiation occurs at v = c at atom & molecule boundaries, and when v = vmax at the MDCOG.

Energy and current density and the problem of hidden variables

One must now avoid ambiguity with respect to the meaning of R-size mass pt as applied to visible matter and as the larger radius of the mass pt Two-Set that applies to both dark and visible matter. One define a mass pt Two-Set using G with subscripts; as a way to describe a mass pt Two-Set applicable to both visible and dark matter. The larger G will have the subscript of 1, so that Universal Harmony (UH) may be expressed,

G1/G2 = 3v2 = ÖM, where M is the count of G2 that fully packs the surface of G1.

The distance of the mass pt Two-Set from the MDCOG of reference is designated by small letter, r. The 1-axis rotational energy of the actively absorbing/radiating Two-Set as a spinning, nested mass pt oscillator whose variable visible size is G1 may be expressed as a surface energy density or energy per unit area, hf/d2 = v2/d2 = c2/d2 = # of standard electron-rings of released energy per unit of proper area, d2; where d = G1 = rh is the Unit Distance Vector.  That is, the unit distance and unit area is directly proportional to the distance of the Two-Set from the outer boundary of the MDCOG. The Two-Set radius, G1 is here treated as a vector because it has direction as given by the mass pt to mass pt movement of radiation energy. As long as one uses a standard quantity of energy as a minimum discrete quantum such as h as the local mass pt one turn output, then the combination of pulse repetition frequency, f, unit area size, d2, and h determines the energy or current flow density at that rectangular cross-section of space given by  the unit distance squared. But we already know that UH conspires to make energy density mark the field gradient and local unified force acting on the Two-Set in the direction of the MDCOG of reference. The upshot is that current flow as energy flow density is the number, NTS ,  of synchronously radiating Two-sets per measurement aperture or cross-section of area through which the measured energy is said to be flowing. If the measurement aperture area in square centimeters is designated, am, the current flow as energy flow density in ergs per square centimeter is NTS/am.

Max Planck's finding now has unambiguous 3-D visualization and added meanings. The ether-mosaic Resonant Grain (RG) mass pt of radius G1 is the oscillator; its resonance saying that the spin rate about at least one axis is maximum and each revolution of the spin is capable of absorbing and emitting h amount of energy. For both 1-axis resonance in open space and the 3-axis resonance of the atom's MDCOG, it is the binding energy of an electron ring of 1/h' = 3(v-squared) EO mass pts (Higgs particles) moving in helical path around the periphery of the larger mass pt of radius, G1, that is re-radiated at frequency, f, in a mass pt to mass pt, chained sequence. A unit visible mass pt that is re-radiating energy per one turn of its perimeter is producing a unit of energy per unit of time by definition of the alive elasticity of space. That means that all energy transfer measurement is a simple surface area integration across a calibrated instrumentation aperture and that the  measured intensity of radiation and current flow is simply the average number of mass pts occupying the cross-section of the aperture. The hidden variable lies in the mass pt radius as a finite, ever-changing unit distance depth of the cross-section surface via which the total energy being measured is being live-extruded. That mass pt surface depth is that of  re-radiating/absorbing molecule. Unit distance has the size of a variable radius, causal mass  pt. It takes new fundamental concepts mass, energy, and math to unity field and force, period! Just as Einstein's Little Finger suspected!

Radiation as force

The mass pt feature whereby it is spatially rearranges itself per UH as necessary to mark ambient energy density for the space it occupies makes it essential that the math pt be made causal by making it synonymous with the material mass pt Two-Set. The upshot is that space and the math that represents is an alive, touch-sensitive pre-geometry of mass pt Two-Sets, each of which when its properties are measured tells all there is to know about the order of physical reality for the given location all the way to infinity in the directions of both small and large for the given gravity field.  At the locations where radiation occurs, what were previously very loosely (weak force) bound dark matter material points become visible and rigidly (strongforce) bound to one another to form a statistically measurable and light-tangible line and surface geometry that we call spacetime.

Through the two way radiation-to-stored-mass and visa versa process of E = Mc2, observable spacetime is generated in real time by the binding energy of maximum density Higgs particle strings from statistical quantities of atoms and molecules.  It is significant that the binding force of radiation uses the minimum stitchery of  multiple atomic electron-rings as helical path strings of variable radius as maximum density thread. Radiation as the hidden second mode of supergravity can be shown to be common source of all force, including that of ordinary shrinking mode gravity.

The electron and E = Mc2 as universal dynamic and Cosmological Constant

As atomic MDCOG energy release quantum, the electron's energy is 1/h; to indicate that a unit of mass energy has unwound as a helix. As the electron helix moves outward from the MDCOG as a photon, it redshifts per radial distance to have an energy of h when the distance grows to 1/h. The reverse blueshifting occurs as a minimum energy photon of h at a distance of 1/h travels inward to an absorbing atomic nucleus with final energy of 1/h. This is the simple reflective symmetry of UH as the universal dynamic that keeps the universe stable, closed but infinite.

As the electron helix moves, its pulse length as electric field centerline wavelength and its pulse width as magnetic field cross section give it the feel of a particle as measured. The described resonant grain re-radiation dynamics is the universal Higgs field that provides a unified force theory. At a particular mass pt location, inward energy flow of shrinking mode (SM) gravity is vibration-modulated by expansion mode (EM) flux that includes "interlocked" orbiting of electrons within MDCOGs, and about atoms and molecules. The closed loops of radiation serve to literally weave mass pt Two-Sets into tangible 3-D surfaces. In intimately entangled combinations without end, we thus "see", "feel" and measure physical reality.

The proton and neutron as elements of the atomic nucleus prove herein to be tightly bound, new-growth electron shells. The neutron shell adds radius to the MDCOG by becoming its new maximum density outer surface, with every one of its mass pts engaged in passing 3 orthogonal ring peals of Higgs particles in perfect synchronicity. By ring peal, one refers to the helical movement of a quantum-ring packet of 1/h G-size dark mass pts (Higgs particles) that form a maximum density ring of the pulsing R-size mass pt. The proton shell, also of near-maximum R-size mass pt surface density, is still rotating free of the current neutron MDCOG outer surface, with each of its R-size mass pts passing just 2 within-shell-orthogonal G-size mass pt ring peals. That is, the proton shell does not have the "in-out" oriented closed loop, electron ring that binds each of its R-size mass pts to the next inward shell(the neutron shell and new outer MDCOG surface).

The neutron and proton shells are detected and measured by the release of one shell electron-ring amount of stored energy at a time; that is, by the release of 3 and 2 electrons in helical sequence. Why and just how is this so? When the nucleus is bombarded from the outside, the measured neutron and proton energies released are merely helical strings of multiple (3 and 2) shell rings' worth of G-size mass pt ring peals of Higgs particles = (1/h)(3/h) and (1/h)(2/h) that are collectively assigned a single particle kinetic impact. The QED model for electrostatic force balance, requires that the atom and its mysterious nucleus have the "proper" mix of electrons, protons and neutrons as solid-like particles. In reality, the tremendous gravity force caused by the heretofore unrecognized maximum density MDCOG (spinning black hole) as dark matter mass pt stirring paddle, mechanically explains everything and makes the useful but abstract fantasy of point charge quite understandable for the first time, but totally false and unnecessary.

The constant proton/electron mass ratio that is not explained by the Standard Model, is here a clearly visible rhythm of the atomic gravity field; reflecting the necessary radial separation and associated Higgs particle rate of speed. The total Higgs particle mass times the average speed of translation as measured along the helix centerline produces a constant string energy ratio that is mistakenly attributed solely to mass. Using Universal Harmony (UH) as applied to the atomic gravity field, one will show precisely the why and how of the measured constant ratio.

The QED particle mysteries associated with the atomic nucleus, the Wave Function and Schrödinger's Cat, can now safely evaporate and everyone's built-in genius for mechanical feel can bring about a multiple entendre leveling of the playing field. But one should not forget all the complicated math one has been forced to learn by rote. It is still going to be heuristically needed for a long time, and one can use it much better and greatly extend it. Why and how? Because one's DNA in every cell, including those in one's guts, finally ring with mechnical understanding and can therefore fully participate, individually and collectively as organic pregeometry and synchronicity; via the manifest two way communication of the vagus nerve. In short, one's insight and firm grasp of things is greatly improved.  

Continuously re-generated visible matter from cosmos to quark is all about universal energy storage/release dynamics involving atomic matter. One sees these dynamics merging with (1) Max Planck's Principle that "every local inertial frame is determined by the composite matter of the universe", (2) the Synchronicity of Bell's Inequality, and (3) the Penrose "Cosmic Censor" that voids the possibility of singularity. The dynamics require that visible matter be immersed in, moved by and interchanged with a next lower nested contiguity of mass pts. The variable radius dark matter mass pt is always invisibly small; forming a universal ideal fluid that is always very dynamic in marking ambient energy density.

The uniform and universal distribution of invisible dark matter mass pts is indeed common field structure for electrodynamics and gravity. Dark matter mass pts that circulate around the MDCOG not only exert the weak force of open space gravity, but also serve as force vehicle for electrodynamics, including strong nuclear binding. Measurable dark matter mass pt motion is radiation; letting unified force be local, variable radius, next smaller nesting level, Higgs particle movement. That movement forms the surface of the mass pts. Helical movement is either slow (gravity circular flow), medium (thermodynamic), fast (open space electromagnetic) or extra fast (black hole nuclear). Energy transfer is always the rotation/vibration of one mass pt pulsing into the next one in line. Most important in this vision are: (1) measured frequency is a function of mass pt size and distance to the nearest MDCOG, and (2) net force acting on visible matter is electron bound shell/ring surfaces coming into contact; surfaces defining the tangible boundaries of atoms and molecules. Such contact is always many EO/RG on many EO/RG.

The old ether is then that EO/RG mosaic which morphs continuously to reveal all that we are and experience. The pixel-like RG/EO spacetime mass point is local and live, in real time, as the interactive material object under force; acting back on the field to tell the next point in line how to curve (so as to move in the direction of chaining). It is as profoundly that simple as it is completely satisfying. 

As fluid-media statistical pregeometry, the EO/RG radius, G, shows up as the Hubble Constant in astronomy, the permeability constant in Ampere's Law, as the Boltzmann Constant in kinetic theory and electrodynamics, and as the gravitation constant in Newtonian mechanics; each as an average falling out of experimental data. Coulomb's Law becomes gravity by using the correct value of G; and by addressing the relative polarity of outer surface net rotational flow as visible matter gravity fields come in contact via externally applied force(s).

UH puts MDCOGs everywhere and makes them cause the dynamic paisley of infinitely nested gravity fields filling spacetime. The absolute maximum speed of rotation is the mechanical stop that gives shrinking the ratcheting companion of expansion; the balance that Einstein sought with his Cosmological Constant.

The constant value of MDCOG mass is [3(vmax)2]2, so that

Mmax = 2.27765132x 1052 grams NET 1/h2 in cgs units

By using the angular momentum of an MDCOG outer surface embedded unit mass, h' = h, maximum stored and potentially releasable energy is,

Emax = (Mmax/h)NET 1/h3 , where 1/h is the stored energy per unit mass and is equal to the 3-axis rotational energy of the MDCOG outer surface mass pt Two-Set.

A maximum density of light rays is visualized. An atomic, galactic, or cosmic MDCOG becomes unstable and releases all its shell-binding energy as radiation. For each of the ten to the fifty two RG/EOs defining its outer surface, there is one light ray going outward. Maximum mass can produce maximum ray density.

With G = radius of the maximum density EO/RG at the outer boundary of the MDCOG and motion confined to the orbital plane, the equation of motion and field equation may be written,

GmdMmax/re = (v')2. r and (v')2 have replaced R & 3v2 and are  orbit path specific for a mass pt circulating due to the absolute maximum speed stirring paddle at the COG. Radii of the given mass pt Two-Set vary in sync per UH with the distance, r, from the MDCOG of radius, r'. When the Two-Set is maximized about a given axis, the smaller mass pt of the Two-Set, the G-size Higgs particle has a radius such that G NET r'h. So one writes, GmdMmax NET r'(1/h) NET = re (v')2. This form of UH is  used for the sake of simplicity in providing a plain language explanation for its many symmetries.

The above simplified expression is read, "MDCOG radius, r', multiplied by its 1-axis rotational energy is numerically equal to radial distance, r, of a mass pt of radius G outside the MDCOG, multiplied by the 1-axis energy of that mass pt. The reflective symmetry allows a growth process that exhibits a 'steady state', growth spiral, fractal field structure around the MDCOG as r' slowly increases.

Figure 5-3[] summarizes the dark matter unified field dynamics and growth process: namely (1) visible matter immersing (nothing filling) dark matter mass pts are stirred by the MDCOG to produce a fractal-structured circular flow field of invisible finer grain fluid (2) measured direction of energy flow is not determined until a visible matter photon or electron ring local level sequencing of  G1-size mass pt to mass pt re-radiation occurs, (3) the resulting light ray is a helical string of smaller G2 -size dark matter mass pt (Higgs particles) around the larger radius, G1 = R-size radius such that the mass pt Two-Set  G1/G2 = 3v2 = ÖM (UH) , mass pt, (4) applied force at the combined Two-Set level is the energy-pulsing field change in terms of a synchronized reduction of Two-Set mass pt radii and compensating increases in the respective angular frequencies, (5) unified force as locally applied has a value of unity per UH and total force is literally a count of the number of  radiating mass pts Two-Sets involved  (6) the dark matter Zeo MDCOG and the atom Inner Grain (IG) sized Higgs particle, grows to become an atomic MDCOG, (7) the nested mass pt (material point) field structure is itself the needed absolute reference frame and coordinate system. The resulting unified field is an infinitely dual nested set of "live" Newton's corpuscles that gets rid of the need for Maxwell's fluid charge concept.

Seeing the false premises of existing math and making space come alive

Existing math cannot model field dynamics because limit theorem, continuity, and variable independence criteria are not met. Because of the dual-nesting complexity of mass pts necessary to get rid of the "nothing" that still permeates our abstract metrics, and replace it with ideal fluid, one is forced to invent a new simplest math that will take getting use to. Giving the math pt causality and insightful, multiple-aspect plain language mechanical description makes it relatively easy to do.

Figure 5-3 shows a single outer MDCOG shell surface contains measurable mass and determines local space curvature. The rotating volume of fluid presents a universal harmony of least friction in terms of ball bearing surface-geometry. Neither Euclid nor any other scientist of history proved capable of formalizing the plain language model of Leucippus. The secret lay in giving the math pt causality by making it an alive material point as mass pt. The number of  G-size mass pt ball bearings defining the R-size mass pt encapsulation must equal (1) the ratio of radii of the mass pt Two-Set and  (2) the 3-axis rotational energy, 3v2; as a universal fluid dynamics definition of space. The mass pt, the field-defining material particle of Leucippus, Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein must forever change its shape, vibration and spin, else translate, to mark ambient energy density for the space volume it occupies. The new math required is itself alive and of a logarithmic growth spiral fractal nature as one shall see.

When the r' in Figure 5-3 grows to about ten to the -14 cm, as 1/h electron shells slowly form around the MDCOG, the atom is born. The lastly filled, in-out electron storage, whose total number equals shell mass by definition, is the energy released when the MDCOG breaks down [particle physicists please take note]. Dark matter mass pts never go away but are stirred always by a remaining MDCOG to provide an absolute motion Higgs force . This invisible fluid field, as unified force carrier, creates (stores) and destroys (releases as radiation), visible matter mass.

The cyclic in-out electron release and re-growth of 1/h maximum density shells around the Zeo MDCOG to form the Black Hole Nucleus of an atom, happens per UH. Inside the maximum density shell, Uh allows radius-adjustment-only (no change in spin speed)for marking ambient energy density all the way to the maximum density, pure plasma Inner Grain (IG).

Please note one more incredible aspect of UH as explained later: a new absolute temperature, T',  is Archimedes' buoyant force of fluid space. As EM vibration energy force, T', is equal and opposite to the force of SM rotational energy. T' = 3(v-squared)/r = e /G, as it acts on the mass pt of radius, R, at location, r, in the Earth's gravity field. As one will show in detail, E = Mc2 is really about radiation, as the second mode of a dual mode unfied field supergravity theory.