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The Howie D Appreciation Site


- "Howie sings like a girl!"

Watch your mouth now - that can be taken as a compliment!


- "Howie's constant winking must mean he has a twitch in his eye."

*sigh* You have no idea how many times I've read this on humor sites. First of all, if it was a twitch, don't you think he would have gone and seen the doctor by now and have it fixed? And if you answered, "no coz he's winky boy" or something along those lines, then you're the one who needs to visit a doctor.

Which brings me to my next point... Howie winks because he likes to single a girl out from a crowd and make her feel good. And of course, there are lots of girls whenever a BSB is around... sooo... wink wink. Get it? Got it? Good.


- "Howie is gay... he is Spanish, has long girly hair and cock-eyed nose! He is gay!"

First of all, I resent that Spanish comment. I'm part Spanish... that doesn't make me part gay. *deep breath*

Second, there is no such thing as a cock-eyed nose. Last time I checked, Howie doesn't have eyes on his nose.

Third, even if Howie was gay, why should you care?


- "At least one of them should be gay... just look at that guy from Boyzone."

Interesting concept. It's moronic, but interesting.


- "They are talentless, manufactured New Kids on the Block wannabes."

Talentless? I think not. Besides, that's not even a word.

NKTOB wannabes? I'm sorry to have to say, but NKOTB were not the very first boyband out there [collective gasp from crowd]. Just like BSB, they are being compared to their predecessors, which is pretty unfair if you think about it. I mean, do you ever hear anyone saying KoRn is just a carbon copy of Nirvana? Of course not because they're two completely different groups who just happen to have the same group formation. Same goes for BSB and NKOTB.


- The usual "Howie winks too much, is a troll, drools" comments found on most humor pages.

First of all.... get some originality. It wasn't funny the first time and it certainly isn't funny the zillionth time around. And don't give me that it's-my-page-and-you're-uncool-for-not-laughing-along-with-me-so-I'll-make-fun-of-you crap. Or else I'll have to give you the royal I'm-probably-a-bigger-person-for-having-the-brains-to-even-know-what-tolerance-is flick of the finger. Yes, I'm a classy dame.

Second... why the need to single out one member of the group and then condemn him for the way he looks or the way he likes to wink at fans? These people actually have the gall to say, "I love the Backstreet Boys" then turn around and bash one of its members. There is funny humor and there is NASTY humor. Funny humor is when people actually laugh because of your wit... nasty humor is when people laugh at your lack of tolerance. Learn the difference.


- "They're not a real band because they can't even play instruments!!"

Actually, they CAN play instruments. And they didn't call themselves a "band" therefore there should be no comparison made whatsoever to other bands. The term "boy band" was the media's idea of slotting BSB in a certain category. Stereotyping them, in other words. Their specialty is singing and NOT playing instruments... just like "real bands" specializes in playing instruments and NOT singing [goodness, the voices on some of them lead singers... *shiver*]. If you watch their Orlando PPV concert, you will see that they actually get up and play "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" themselves [Nick on drums, Kevin on keyboards, Howie on lead guitar, AJ on bass, and Brian on percussion]. And well, I was very impressed. They were good.

So, not only can they play instruments like a "real band" they can also sing wonderfully. Beat that.


- "Only gay males like their music."

I beg to differ. I know a lot of straight guys who have [begrudgingly or otherwise] admitted that they like the Backstreet Boys, especially "I Want It That Way." I find it sad that people feel they have to suppress liking a certain type of music because society tells them that it's "uncool." The Media SUCKS and so do the cynics.


- "Get a life! You're never going to get close enough to them to say hi let alone go out with them!"

One word comes to mind - DER! Sure I harbor a secret fantasy of having a passionate fling with both Howie and Kevin but that's just what it is... a fantasy. I'm not making extensive plans to fly on over to Orlando and stalk them. I, along with most of the fans, do know the difference between reality and fantasy. And for those who don't know the difference... let them be. How sad it is that you have to target naive people to prove yourself "cool." You're the one who needs a life.



- "They can't sing their way out of a paper bag. I've trained with a professional Broadway singer for a year so I should know the difference between singing and fluff."

Yay for you. Glad to know your hearing wasn't impaired because it's OBVIOUS that BSB can't sing AT ALL. *roll eyes*



Got any cynic statements you need busted? Send them on over to the


and I will bust a nut.


N.B. Statements on this page are found all over the Internet and in the media in general. Quotes have been reworded for avoidance of general "I'll sue you!!! GrRr!" purposes.






O/` When there's something deranged in the neighborhood... who ya gonna call? O/`
