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Miss Wisconsin Job's Daughter 2000-2001
Jamie Druse (6)

Jamie Druse

Hello WI Jobies!!! I am proudly representing you for the next year as Miss WI Job's Daughter. Here is a little info in case you aren't familiar with me!

  • My full name is Jamie Lynn Druse.
  • My nickname is Linnie.
  • Favorite colors: Blue and Green
  • Favorite TV show: Survivor
  • Favorite Book: Rough Justice
  • Favorite sport to play: Ultimate Frisbee
  • School: Freshman at Albion College, Albion, MI
  • Birthday: August 23, 1981 making me 19
  • Email: or

My theme this year is "Dare to Follow Your Dreams." My symbols are Tigger (yes, from Winnie the Pooh!) and stars. My colors are blue, green and silver.

I look forward to helping all of the WI Jobies in any way that I can, just let me know! If you need to contact me, either email works. I can't wait to start traveling and visiting everyone! If your bethel has a function or friend's day that you'd like me to attend, PLEASE send me an invite ASAP! Thank you!
      Jobie Love,
      Jamie Lynn Druse, HQ #6, MWJD 2000-2001

Previous Miss Wisconsin Job's Daughters
Year Name Bethel
1971 Scotty Burrett Walden, PHQ Bethel 6
1972 Annette Marshal Pohl, PHQ Bethel 38
1973 Karen Lehman Luckey, PHQ Bethel 50
1974 Anne Malmo Jacobson, PHQ Bethel 28
1975 Janet Sahagian-Smith, PHQ Bethel 50
1976 Holly Hoffman Ligocki, PHQ Bethel 5
1977 Linda Franke Ilk, PHQ Bethel 5
1978 Brenda Severson Koenen, PHQ Bethel 76
1979 Robin Upright Vande Water, PHQ Bethel 30
1980 Gail O'Connell Wier, PHQ Bethel 60
1981 Lisa Purpero Ebert, MM Bethel 6
1982 Carol Hansen Johnson, PHQ Bethel 73
1983 Marian Hedberg, PHQ Bethel 24
1984 Jackie Noordyk Scholten, PHQ Bethel 45
1985 Loann Stinson Deboer, PHQ Bethel 27
1986 Jennifer Goergen, PHQ Bethel 27
1987 Christine Wise Wolf, PHQ Bethel 19
1988 Angel Draves Burns, PHQ Bethel 77
1989 Heather Saybolt Scott, PHQ Bethel 7
1990 Nicole Stazak,PHQ Bethel 64
1991 Tammy Jones, PHQ Bethel 73
1992 Jill Lorentz, PHQ Bethel 79
1993 Lisa Perdue, PHQ Bethel 7
1994 Heather Larson, PHQ Bethel 44
1995 Sarah Finger, PHQ Bethel 73
1996 Erika Miller, PHQ Bethel 19
1997 Erin Finger, PHQ Bethel 73
1998 Julie Ebert, PHQ Bethel 10
1999 Valarianne Weed, PHQ Bethel 19
2000 Rebecca Erickson, PHQ Bethel 77
