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IOJD webring!

the IOJD webring has moved. due to circumstances with being taken over by Yahoo!, and Yahoo's VERY poor customer service, the IOJD webring is now hosted by ringsurf.

please visit the NEW iojd webring at

Webmasters: if you still have the code for the old IOJD webring on your page, it will no longer work. I deleted the old ring. So please remove the old webring code from your website. if you would still like to be a part of the IOJD webring, you will have to sign up again at (i'm very sorry about the inconvenience, but there was no way to transfer members from the old webring. but on the good side, i made some new graphics for the webring code, so i think it looks a bit nicer.) thank you!!!

any questions? email me! (