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I would first like to thank all of those that have helped me along the way :)
I am thanking people in the order that I have met them to make it easier but many that have helped me have become more than just mentors....they have become friends.

* Pat Hauch of Hauch Poms, who knew when she met me I would someday be a color breeder. She kept me on her waiting list for 5 years while I waited for a black and tan. She gave to us Shasta to whom I can never forget as she stole more of our hearts than I ever thought possible. I know Pat is in Heaven laughing at how right her prediction was :)

* Beth Steenbock of Steenbock poms, who had the patience and the kindness of heart to be there for me whenever I have needed her :) I have the great blessing of calling her friend. I am pleased to be working with her and am glad we had her there for KC and Stormy to go to....We thank her for the freedom of her kennel and the wisdom of her advice :)

* Sherry Cartwright of Lil'Ponderosa Poms, who has not only been a mentor, but a friend. She has been a Godsend in every way and an answer to my prayers. I cannot thank her enough for all she has done for us....nor can I thank God enough for bringing her into our lives :) As you can see by our kids we owe much to her for our humble beginings.

* Barbara Breden of Pombreden Poms who wrote the article to get me hooked on blues.....who gave me her time and advice on how to acheive the blues without the deadly gene and the false conceptions on one of my favorite colors

* Judy Smith of Julia's Poms who sent me brindles when no one else would give me the time of day. She also sent over one of the best male black and tans a person could hope for. KC now resides with Beth Steenbock and will always hold a special place in our hearts :)

* Laurie McConnel for sending me all of the pedigrees that led to many of my theories and for Doc our sweet gentle boy that was the first boy to ever steal my heart :)

* Marian Dossinger of Dossmar Poms, who listened to me and gave me my first look at many colors. She sent over many of my foundation colors that I have strived to repeat. Junior being the next male dog to steal my heart.

* Dan and JoEllen Mercer of Mercer Poms whom took a chance on me and believed in me and my theories. I hope to send them a true wolf sable as soon as I can get them :)

* Jane Lehtinen of Jan-Le Poms who showed us our very first brindle and got my dear hubby hooked!!! She also cleared the way for all the brindles to get them into the ring and for that I am forever grateful!!!!

* Dianne Kieffer of Heartland Poms, who listened to me and for me has set the chocolate gene and is not only a great lady but is one of the people to take the time to teach me how to seek out the best possible colors of any dog to keep in our program. I cannot thank her enough for sending us a Nick son and a blue Pombreden girl :)

* Linda Pelz and Mike Wells of DreamWeaver Poms, who has taken me under their wings and are showing me how to get myself in the ring.....without them I am quite sure I would not be in the ring. For the use of Digger to set the type for the brindle gene I can never thank them enough.....both have become more than friends, I think the world of both of them :)

* Shalon Parrott of Ragdoll Poms, who showed me that orange can be appreciated as well as the colors...Her Greta convinced me that I could maybe learn to like the plain Jane's as well. The oranges as we call them :)

* Julie Kallbacka of Kalasic Poms, who showed me I can be myself like with no other.....who has been the best friend a person could ask for. Who has helped me to realize my destiny :) So many things come to mind that words just cannot do justice to what she has meant to me.

* Alden and Janet Domrasse of Aldens Poms, who are such neat wonderful people and show you how to let your hair down and be yourself :)For helping me to see what the partis can be :)

* Amy Winston of Winston Poms, who without her help this website would still be waiting to be done :) She has the heart of an angel and will not hesitate to be there when you need her :)

* Cassandra Evans of WeeHearts Poms, Who introduced me to the wonderful world of colors :) Who showed me my first tri color parti and all of the possibilities that it held :) She held my hand when I first got on the puter and has been a late night buddy. She has wonderful knowledge to share to those that can appreciate what she has to dole out. I am enriched from knowing her.

* Heidi Bartles of Farywyns Poms another one of those chance meetings that showed me that what a small world we live in :) She is my late night buddy and we started working together by sheer fluke :) We are so pleased with Evie and sure hope to do Heidi proud.

* Nancy Coddington of Trudy's Poms, who at a chance meeting sent me a boy to try and achieve the elusive wolf sable genes. We cannot thank her enough for co-owning this boy with us.

* Brenda Segleken of Fame Poms, who not only sponsered us to get into the Indiana Pom Club but groomed up Jal before a show :) I got to see first hand how fast she is with those scissors...the Edward Scissor hands of poms :) She moved much too quickly for me to learn. I sure wish I could do that.... for what she does with just the zip of her hand :) She is so talented and has some of the most wonderful Pom items :)

* Janice Russel of Cin-Jan Poms, our other sponser in the Indiana Pom Club. She is a delightful lady and sure has a super boy to show :) We just love Gambler :)

* Last but not least is Karen Crawford of Xitable Poms, who has given us so many show pointers on how to better train our kids.....She has graciously sent us Lainey, who already has become our resident sweetheart!!! We thank her for these bloodlines and sure hope we can get her into the show ring. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! :)

There are so many more that have touched our lives and we are so thankfull for them :) I can truly say that we have been blessed by so many and I even thank our newest grasshopper Tracy Barrentine of Blessing Poms. I hope to never lose the gift of learning more.... I hope I have not bored anyone but just had to thank those that I have worked with personally....that does not in anyway negate the freinds I have made in the pom world....just these are the ones I have worked with and have helped me with my goals :) There are I am afraid many many more that belong here that I am honored to call friend :)

We have been very blessed by many who have come into our lives and without others of equal ethics and honesty, You have nothing and are not anyone. We know that it is through their friendship that we are truly enriched. We firmly believe it is in the best intrest of the Pomeranian to work with others of the same goals. We sincerely hope that many can find the same joy in working with others as we have.....

Love Kat

From our house to Yours

I would also like to thank my parents Gemma and Jerry for all that I am and all that I can be. I cannot thank them enough for believing in me :) My husband Allan, who is both my soulmate and my best friend! He is my heart, my body, my soul...without him I would be nothing. My daughters Teaonnie and Gemma for being a part of this all and being so upbeat, even on the bad days....for being patient with me and just for being themselves :) Most of all I would like to thank God for all that he has helped me to discover and for giving me another chance at life :) Survivng a car crash has made me appreciate life and all that is in it :)
Love Kat

Please take a few moments to see some of our friends and also am including some learning sites.

American Pomeranian Club

The Pom Reader

How to Tell A Puppy Mill

A Tribute To Micheal M. Dungan

We wish to say our condolances to Tree, his wife, on the untimely death of her husband....He was a great warrior and will be treasured for what he did for both his country and for his family. Please take a moment and see his site :)

These graphics belong to Katalla Poms. Please do not take without permission.