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People In Andrea's Life

People In Andrea's Life

Princess Caroline of Manaco--his mother

Princess Stephanie of Monaco--his mother's sister.

Prince Ernst of Hanover--His stepfather

Charlotte Casiraghi--his younger 12 year old sister.

Peirre Casiraghi--his younger 11 year old brother.

Princess Alexandra of Hannover--Andrea's younger sister, who was born July 20, 1999

Prince Rainer--Andrea's grandfather.

Prince Albert--Andrea's uncle.

Camille--Andrea's cousin, Princess Stephanie's daughter.

Pauline--Andrea's cousin, Princess Stephanie's daughter.

Louis--Andrea's cousin, Princess Stephanie's son.

I'll add more later. If you know of anyone i don't have written down please let me know. Thanks to MScott7565 for sending in some of the information.

