- Demonology - A Gallery of Demons - I love this site...it is one of my most favorites. Obviously, someone put a lot of effort into their research, and in my opinion it paid off! Everything you wanted to know about demons in different cultures! I FORCE YOU TO VISIT THIS SITE! Hehehe.
- The Spirit Realm. - An interesting take on spiritual phenomenon. According to them, the spirit world is rather democratic, and every spirit is where it should be, according to the things they did in their life. One interesting point they make: only malevolent inhuman spirits will make contact with humans through suchs means as ouija, tarot, or kabala. Human spirits normally can only appear in visions, dreams, or through lifting light objects, touching someone, or giving off a pleasant, familiar smell. A very interesting read!
- Earthfiles Dot Com - Linda Moulton Howe investigates real X-Files cases. Not just aliens, but weather phenomenon, cattle mutilations, and what particularly interests me - these very large birds spotted in Alaska. Very intriguing.
- Induced ADC's for Grief Therapy - Dr. Allan Botkin has developed a way for people grieving for deceased loved ones to communicate with the people that have passed to resolve their sadness. Is it merely a coping mechanism, or is it sincere communication with the dead?
- "The Afterlife Experiments" - A series of experiments were performed to test the realiability of well-known spiritual mediums.
- The Official G.I.S. Website - What an interesting site! Of course the personal accounts and pictures are always interesting, but my favorite part are the audio samples of supposed spirit dialogue. Also, some very fascinating video footage. It will leave one with less doubt that there are spirits roaming around.One of the most interesting sites I've come across as of late. Worth checking out!
- Chinese Hopping Ghosts
Exit Mundi - theories about the apocalypse
- Rotten.Com
Absolutely disturbing, but true to the nature of the subject I deal with.
Careful! This site is not for children.
- Adipocere
That's right folks, its all about the cheese that fat forms when a living
thing dies. Wonderful pictures, wonderful information. Enjoy!
- Choose Death
Disgusting pictures of Dead bodies.
- My Journal I try not to be
too profound with this, but it's basically my thoughts and what i did during the day. Nothing
goth, just a few words.
- ABC 30: Is it a Ghost?It's very rare that paranormal activity will get national attention from the media, but I actually saw this on the morning news (Fox 6 here in Milwaukee) a couple of weeks ago. Reportedly actual video footage of a ghost sighting, and very interesting indeed! Check it out! Also, if you want to, check out this related article...it's very interesting how adamant the family of the woman involved in the fatal car crash is about the spectre being her, and delivering a message about the human psyche and coping mechanisms.
Children's Past Lives - As many of us know, children are far more aware of the world around them than we adults are. This is probably because the reality of a child is unadulterated and pure than when they grow older. Some believe that the "imaginary friends" of small children are not a figament of the child's youthful imagination, but rather actual spirits connecting with the child because...well...they can. This particular website discusses children who have revealed what some believe information on their past lives. There's some religous gobbildygook, but if you can look past that, it's fascination.
- Office US Storm Chasing and Media Contact Homepage - Awesome footage of storms, and information on storm chasing.
Thank you to the sites that aided my research, and
to the people that helped provide information.
Bobbing and sw a ying
D r o w n
Flaking off from her mind
The memories, like i ce, chip
They fall into the ground
Waiting for some fine spring day
to melt.
The water is pu ll e d over her head
rumbles and bumbles overhead
Until the rain falls back down
And freezes up again.
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