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© Photo by Gérard Châtaigneau

"We need time to dream... ...time to remember... ...and time to reach the infinite."
"I'm at the top, I made it back and I'm higher than when I was at my best. That is the best feeling in the world. I just have that faith in me that I know I can do it." "I sometimes asked myself why I was putting myself through this and through it all, I had to keep pace with what others in the world were doing. I was keeping up with the rest of the world even with one leg tied behind my back. Now I'm right up there with the rest. It feels good to be back and have the old terminator outlook. I haven't felt that in awhile." "I'm trying things that have never been done before. I'm on the cusp of a quadruple Lutz. I'm looking beyond what anyone else is doing."


"We need time to dream, time to remember, and time to reach the infinite." -- Gladys Taber