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THE TERMINATOR -- It's not a moniker anyone would have pinned on a figure skater, until Elvis Stojko started skating perfect programmes that struck his 1992 Olympic teammates as being slightly superhuman. Three world championships, two Canadian Championships and two Olympic silver medals later, Stojko is redefining the idea of style. "Its a matter of being able to have the intensity, contact, very good flowing edges on the ice, being very dynamic", is how he describes the synthesis he's looking for. "There's no copying. There's no trying to be something you're not. On the clothing front, it works the same way. "I try not to always pick what's in. You just pick what fits you as an individual." If Stojko has a stylistic mission in life, it's to convince people that power can be fluid. He'll tell you how martial arts have helped him find that balance. Then he'll talk your ear off about the physics of the motorcycle. "I'm into motors. I'm into anything that goes fast - jet skis, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, you name it". As for the Terminator peg, Elvis says he has no trouble with being named after a lumbering cyborg. He thinks it's a laugh. After all a sense of humour is part of the Stojko style as well.

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