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There are four sound files (recorded by Beth) hidden within this page, below this paragraph. To find them, slowly run your cursor all over the page. (I don't think it will be too painful to look closely at every pixel of Elvis! LOL!) When the icon changes from an arrow to a little hand, that indicates that you have found a sound file. Click on it to listen to Elvis. (There is also a teeny visual clue as well indicating where the four are.) Each of the four sound files is related to a specific incident. (If a sound file downloads in choppy segments, hit the "play" button again after all has been downloaded.) After you have found and listened to the sound files, replace the XXX in the following URL with the first word that Elvis says in three of the four sound files. When you go to this page you will get an extra bonus:
(Give up? Here is the cheat sheet)





