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My First Interview With Hanson

Matrix: Never thought I'd have to do this, but I'm going to interview you girls.

Zac: Our parents forced us into this. Help us!

Matrix: Shut up Zac. Now, I hear you girls get along real well. Sometimes a bit too well.

Zac: No, we don't get along.

Matrix: Come on now. You don't have to hide it.

Tay: We're going to get really drunk...

Zac: No, but if you stay up late and then the next day you're tired and don't feel so great, well then, that's your fault!

Matrix: So, you're saying…?

Zac: I don't usually have dreams. I'm too busy.

Ike: Actually, we thought it would be younger.

Tay: We actually were saying, 'Man, we're too old now'.

Matrix: So you girls have been doing it with eachother?

Zac: We like to play around with digital video camera's.

Tay: Whoever sings a song best sings lead, that's it.

Matrix: I have to say, you girls are hideous!

Ike: Our parents were musical and they did stuff in high school and college, so I think it was in the genes!

Tay: We like to play basketball.

Matrix: Is this just been going on between you girls?

Tay: Then we go home and our friends.

Ike: Believe me.

Matrix: I'd had as much as I can take! You girls are real grotesque! Goodbye. Over and out.

All of Hanson's words have been taken from interviews and articles. My comments have been added to simulate an interview.

