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Corrupt Correspondence#2

From none of your buisness
To none of your business (Another without a name).
People should recognize by now that this page is going to just as much use as a Hanson fan page, only more amusing. I never mentioned brain-washing people's minds like Hanson did. That's not my intention. Finally, Hanson did do something to all of us however. They made a sound that caused the distruction of the world of music.
From Alison Crawford
I'm glad we finally agree on something, that not everyone agrees with everyone. I'II believe you that your band will be better than Hanson when you've been nominated for 3 grammy awards, anyway, nice arguing with you, bye, have a great life.

P.S don't email me again, the argument is over.

To Alison Crawford (A Hanson fan that can't resist me because she/he just keeps on writing back).
There was zero information that you mailed me that I will qualify as an argument. Hanson fans can't put up an argument worth crap. Oh, notice that I am mailing you again since you seem to find me so irresistible.
From Alison Crawford
When I said nice arguing with you I meant from the first time I mailed you to the last time I mailed you, not just that letter. I did put up a good argument, better than yours, you didn't answer half the questions I asked you, and your arguments like "hanson must die", were pathetic, as you gave no reason as to why they must die, other than the fact that you don't like their style of music which is a pretty lame argument.

Oh, you like me that much? I'm touched! he he he :) Bye, I'm sick of your mail, you haven't brought up any more arguments, and your responses aren't very good, so I'm blocking your mail, everything you send me will go straight to the trash. Bye, for the last time and as I said before nice arguing with you.

To Alison Crawford
And when I was talking about Hanson fans not being able to show any decency, I was talking about all the darn messages I get from them. I guess you never got anywhere closer to a human with any decency in taste of music.
I'd like to see a Hansonite like you make a better page than mine. I haven't seen many of them, and the ones that are better, an anti-Hansonite helped them set it up because we're such nice people.
To Rita Jackson (Some old bag that I could care less about).
I have read the jokes, and I personally don't think any one of them funny! Why are people always knocking down the Hansons. They happen to be very popular, like the Beatles in that time, or even Elvis at his peak. I wish everyone would get off the Hanson's . They are a Great Group, and anyone that puts them down like the jokes I just read should be really ashame. They are young kids, and doing very well, as far as music is concerned. Someone here has to be very jealous of the three brothers. If I was you , I would for sure apologize to each an every one of the brothers, for even putting this on screen. SOMEONE IS JEALOUS FOR SURE!!!!!!! I'm 47 years old, and I think the Hanson's are GREAT. I have never seen them in person, but my 3 nieces, sister, and brother in law has twice. (My Treat only because my nieces loves them to death). With some of the jokes, I'm very shocked that FCC allowed it to go on air. I work where FCC is involved, and I can't believe they allow some of these jokes go aboard. I'm very community active within my city, I really don't think some of the people I know would allow some of these jokes, or the lanuage. Why can't people except the Hanson's as they are, (sweet kids, no drugs, etc.) This is what is wrong today, people not caring. Some parents don't even seem to care. What is happening ? Kids do what they want want anymore, half the time (not in this house) my nieces listens to their paarents, and I'm VERY PROUD of all three. Not to mention their the paarents. They are a couple, two peas in a pod, very good parents, and they watch and listen to what is going on within their family, and daughters. These jokes should be taken off the air just because of some of the words, kids learn from adults, and to bring jokes as they are is not proper. As an adult I dint't see any humor, and the lanuaage in some of the jokes wasn't necessary, there aare parents and relatives out here that DO CARE what is going on within their children's life. The words certainly aren't what appeaed in some of these jokes. They learn these these words, then whaat next??? Thank you for you time. Just a concerned Aunt and friend of many young kids who really like the HANSONS.
To Rita Jackson
All of you just think we anti-Hansonites are jealous because that's how your head works, and can't see it any other way because your brain is just as big as an ant.

You're trying to make a point about not taking drugs or whatever, and I'm not into that crap so I think I'm being a pretty good role model.

You seem to be obsessed with the fact that your children or grand children or whatever, are really good human beings. Maybe you're only seeing the good parts and ignoring the bad parts. All of us have bad parts in us, because no one is perfect but God.

If you have a problem with the jokes, don't talk to me. Why don't you go email every single person who sent me them, and complain. If you do not know the meaning of guest contributions, then you didn't have much of an education. Also, parents is spelt parents, and not "paaretns." Thanks for your unworthy Internet slave time.

From (Some obsessed fan with lots of time on her/his hands. Two e-mails in a row here).
Okay can I just say something? I can't believe I have the time to do this, becuase I said that i would never do this! But I'm going to. I'm am a fan, and defiannatly not ashamed of it! Becuase it's my opinion, yet it's people like you that confuese the hell out of me! I was wondering where's your record deal and your hit wonder single and your millions of fans? Oh that's right you don't have one. You know I feel bad for all those people out there who have Anti- Hanson pages! I mean you say you think they sux and that you hae hearing about them and how they are so gay, but personally your the one that sux and is gay becuase youhave the time to make a page dedicted to people you hate! Why? You hate them and you don't wanna hear abotu them so why do u contribute to telling people about them and making them known. You should have better thinsg to do with you life, like doing things that you LIKE! Instead of sitting alone, bored, praising people who are beyond better then you! I mean they move on and do what they love and wanna do, here's an idea why don't you! I'm sorry and I may seem like a b**** about this, but it is soooo annoying when people say they hate them and then go right around and kinda act like they are prasing them in a way! I mean you woulnd't be doing this if they weren't as big as they are! And had as many fans as they do. It's simple: You like them and you praise them, or you don't and get on with your life! I'm sorry but after a while it begins to bug you ~

THEN WHY DO U EVEN BOTHER PUTTING UP WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Your retarded! You make a page deticted to them! EVen though it's a hate page you still went out of your way to " Praise" people you hate! AND BUDDY, get used to hearing hanson! okay? Becuase they are gonna be around for a long time! So go lick clean all the bathrooms and go scatch you fingers against a chalkboard! AND to u it may not be " up to standards but that's you god damn opinion! k? And I'm sure Weird Al wouldn't agree with you because why would he have direct one of their videos if he though they sucked? I'm sure you thought it sucked, considering you just said, THEY ACTUALLY SOUNDED LIKE GUYS! And going to a Hanson concert is a waste of time! Yeah guess what? So is making a a god damn web page on someone you hate!!!!!!!!!! Oh and I'd like to see a lot of things done in this world too, but their not! So get over that Hanson deon't dress or sing to your liking! Becuase your gonna learn that in your life, their are gonna be a whole lot of things that you don't like! Hey I'd like to see you get you OWN record deal, make you OWN vidoe, low budget or not! Have you OWN fans and your OWN #1 single before you can drive!!!!!!! Plsu maybe the reason your calling them homosexual is because you jealous and trying to say that they are something that you really are. And the whole Albert Einstein part, yeah well news flash! They've made a bigger acomplishment then you ever could! And maybe the part with the trash can is your favorite becuase anyone, like you, who has the life that they can actually be willing to take time out of to make a gay ass page on people who are beyond more talented and bigger then you should actually be the ones who gets thorwn in a trash can or a deep as ever well or taken by plane to the middle of nowhere! Get MY point?

To (Big loser with too much time).
No, I did not actually read your e-mail, nor do I plan on it. From what I can see, your e-mails were full of bad spelling, and bad content, not to mention full of BS. I have to say your a loser with no time on your hands, and you can't prove me wrong. I strongly suggest you make a webpage against me if you hate me with passion, since you had enough guts to e-mail me.
From David Wallace
I don't like hanson either but i think your page sucks. your jokes SUCK. I can't believe you took the time to make this need to delete this page as soon as possible.
To David Wallace
Keep on rattling on your royal annoyingness. You sure convinced me to trash my months of sweat and hard work. NOT. If you know you're not going to enjoy it in the first place, than why in the rubber duckies name did you come here? That's one question that you guys just can't seem to answer.
From Irish Girl (Rather call the girl something else).
To asehole, What the hell do you think you're doing? Hanson are one of the best bands in the world. The only reason why you're jealous is : 1. They are GORGEOUS. They have great voices They are one of the most talented groups in the world! .If you are a boy then they'll have more screaming girls around them than you'll ever have! And the list goes on longer than eternity. So why don't you keep you're opinions to yourself because you aren't influencing anyone in changing there minds about Hanson. So just keep you're thoughts to yourself and stop trying to spread around lies about them. And also if you're america. Why don't you pay attention to more important things like you're pervert President and the amount of food you guys eat. From a raging Irish Girl.( don't even dare take the piss out of Irish people).
To Irish Girl (She doesn't know anything worth a Lego block).
You like to play god don't you? I can tell. You pretend to know everything, but you don't. The truth is, I have influenced other people as well as changing their minds. Yeah, so maybe not as many girls scream at me, but unless Hanson wants to break one of the ten commandments, they will only have one girl that they will end up with.
I think your page is stupid retarted and pointless and stop makin fun of hanson they are better than you
My page is pointless? Ha! That'll be the day won't it?
From garntina
To gartina
Yeah, and I'm sure you saved all the content of this page from the very beggining on your hard drive and studied it over 10 times. Otherwise, you wouldn't really have evidence would you?
From Fernanda
What is it? If you think Hanson is all that things you wrote in that stupid Page, you aren't sure, because they are not. I love them all and all people do this kind of Pages are only jealous... they wan in the life and... they deserved to win. Don't say me somethings bads about them, because who likes them, never will leave them.
To Fernanda
I still have trouble trying to comprehend what you're trying to say, so I'm not even going to try.
I think you people who write this stuff on the internet about why you hate Hanson so much have no lives and obviously do like them or you wouldn't waste your time creating these pathetic stupid anti-Hanson websites. Do something better with your free time. You have no lives so give up your stupid anti- hanson sites. Do you actually think that what you write on the internet will make them go away? Well just to let you know it won't make them go away cuz they don't even care about what you think and they are so much more rich than you and when you have that much money you could give two shits about pathetic losers like yourself. Thank you for your time (the much you have) and have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, and I think you suck, but there's not much I can do about it is there? I think it would be a rediculous world if we shared the same opinion about everything. Don't you think so?
From Nicole Morocco
Your anti Hanson page sucks. the jokes are sooooo stupid and your little interview made no sense what so ever. I think you are the one that needs to go "jerk off." And no hansons arent poor if they were they must be related to you. Actually Tay has the nicest ass in the world and you know you like it too. the only thing i have to say is your SO IMMUTUARE. oh yea leeets see you get into a singing career and get SCREAMING GIRLS ha no chance! Your #1 hater & Hanson's #1 lover, (fan)
To Nicole Morocco
Maybe I forgot to mention I'm not gay. Maybe you just assumed I was a female. Assuming is a very dangerous thing to do. One thing you were right about was that I'm immature. What's wrong with being immature? I love being immature. Immature is cool. You don't have any say in my life, so you don't even know what I may become in the future. If I had any say about you, I must say you're immature, dumb, idiotic, obsessed, over reacted, Hanson fan (nasty). The thing is though, I don't have any say in that. You should've got my point by now.
From Liz, Liz, Chrissy, Kate, Genna and Annmarie
Hey, I just read your web page and I think that you are OBVIOUSLY the BIGGEST loser with the a hell of a lot of time on you hands. I have 5 15 and 16 year old girls here who are basically stinking their middle fingers at you because you such a discrase! It is sad how you can actually make a web-page about your unASKed oppinion on Hanson. I dont know if you have heard their music lately but it has been nominated for 3 grammies, 3 Mtv awards, they have won 3 European Mtv Awards and won 2 Kid's Choice awards. I dont remember you winning ANY of that... do you? No, i didnt think so. And I am still reading all the amouts of mail sent from girls about how much you SUCK! Haha, yeah! And one thing that i dont get from you is why you 'try' to make a come back when someone calls YOU gay, but when you call Hanson gay they wont go and say "I am not gay, I am the coolest in the school, i can get any girl, i am perfect"like you do... here is a suggestion from all of us here........ GET A FREAKING LIFE!!! thanks so much man, Liz, Liz, Chrissy, Kate, Genna and Annmarie
To Liz, Liz, Chrissy, Kate, Genna and Annmarie (Took that many people just to write this filth).
Hello vexatious Hanson fan. With response to the filth you have sent me, I haven't monitored you originate a high ranked website that won three awards. I haven't seen you on TV winning any music, movie, fashion, or any sort of award either. Speak for yourself ignoramus. I'd like to donate you the middle finger too, only if I was imprudent enough to. I have no time for your ignorant, heartless, and idiotic dogma. All Hanson fans are heartless, but this time they picked a fight with the wrong man. Thank you so much for visiting my website. Please come back again.
I just want to say, I think your web site is sick. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but publicly trying to embarass someone and making fun of them is plain cruelty. Why do you have to spend so much time hating someone? Get a hobby or something. Make a web page about something you like instead of something you hate. How fun can it be to make fun of other people? You must have really low self-esteem if you have to put down Hanson to feel good about yourself.
To (I hate addresses like this. You can tell they're obsessive fans without having to seek what they have to say).
I didn't ask for your words of stupidity did I? How many times did I say that I do have pages about things I like. Must have been at least five times. I never said I have to diss Hanson to feel good about myself did I? You're just assuming that to make yourself feel better. I'm really not with that.

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