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Anti-Hanson: A New Hope
Barbie, Tubby, and Horse Face
From the left: Barbie, Tubby, and Horse Face. They invented a new hair style. It's called WHERE'S THE LOVE?
After the tragic disintegration of the world of music caused by Hanson and their troops, there's still no sign of complete elimination of this noise, and Hanson's intentions remain no different. They want to finish off what they have started, by practicing each other's instruments in the garage of the three demons' origin. They plan to continue their racket, steal all of the 12 year old boys hearts, and bring an end to what we had used to know as music.

This grotesque cult is made up of 38 year old Isaac "Horse Face" Hanson, 10 year old Taylor "Barbie" Hanson, and 3 year old Zachary "Tubby" Hanson. This destructive force must be removed from the present of any microphone. If our rebel force cannot handle this homosexual trio, we may as well forget about what we had known as music, which had such intense influence on teenager beings.

Teenagers must rebel against this evil force before all are brain-washed by the sound that has caused thousands to believe that Hanson was the most beautiful and talented band. We deserve something that's actually music, something that will be a better role model than a bad-clothed, unwashed hair, over-weight, over-rated, virus called Hanson. After all rebel forces have been gathered to the home base, the operation will begin, and Hanson shall not be present in any way on the biosphere.

If we do eliminate Hanson, our journey has only begun to fight for the music we deserve in this galaxy.

