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Basket Overwhelmed-Set this burden in the water
Onward to Hardwood Pride

Expectations piling up
In a basket overwhelmed by them,
Reeds creaking from the weight
These things I know I should have done.

Send it down the river,
To catch up in the rushes,
Float it off upon the current,
For someone else to find,

It screams like a forgotten child,
In abandoned bassinette,
Neglected obligation,
And no time for regret,

This woven vessel has no handle,
For the calloused hand to grasp,
Fingers worn of labor,
Must mesh into the fibers.

Set this burden in the water,
Push it off to find its fate,
Let it gently sail away,
As you fly above from the release,

Sudden lightness falls upon you,
The only thing left on your shoulders.

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