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Cars-From house to car to work to death

Onward to Atlas

Babelize-A cool twist on the telephone game

From house to car to work to death,
We have allotted every breath.
We work for the car we have to drive
to keep the job to stay alive.

Real Photos of Stupid Stuff

In a life we hate five days a week,
We toil on for what we seek.
We kill ourselves to win the game,
But the tally always stays the same.

The more we earn, the more it will cost,
Until all naïve hope is lost.
Our eyes wrinkle from trying to read the fine print,
On a new exercize made to help us not squint.

Employment Statistics

In a land of cyber-socialization,
We are a unitedly lonely nation.
Suffering from time deprivation,
As if a life is a mere equation.

Living life like we're on fire,
Dependant on caffeine and telephone wire.
Ten hours a day,
We all slave away,
For houses we don't get to see anyway.

Between a job and home upkeep,
You might have time to eat and sleep.
From house to car to work to death,
We have allotted every breath.

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