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Falling High-For another fallen child...

Onward to Falling Home

Betrayed by his own darkness,
Abandoned to the cold of light,
He was left without an overcoat,
And left without a fight.

His body on the ocean,
Blood poured into the waiting glass,
He ran out of luck,
Ran out of gas,
And ran his truck off the overpass.

Put all his dreams into a pale,
And tied it to a rising star,
He thought time was his ally,
But gravity only gets you so far.

Thrust into the universe,
Onto the blinding highway,
Hands spread out to greet the water
As he sails off of the skyway.

Nothing there to catch him
But the cameras on the bay,
Reeling in twisted satisfaction
As another soul is swept away.

This world is getting lonely,
Swallowed in its vice.
Each day another victim
Of child sacrifice.

Kenny knew he was falling,
And wanted to see how high,
He didn?t need any lessons,
He says we all know how to fly.

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