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Onward to Swaying Ivy

If you should find that you are falling,
Turn and let me see your face,
That justice may be sanctified,
When you are cast into your place,

Don't startle if I smile,
If I raise my hand to wave,
For you are not for me to mourn,
And you are not for me to save,

Bewail of how I pitched you down,
And point your finger if you must,
Resisting the inertia
Ignoring the weight of fatal thrust,

Don't play yourself the victim
Just because I helped you find your way,
And if I pushed you just a bit,
You would have gone there anyway,

So tell the world of what I am,
Confess the things that I've done wrong,
But ration each breath wisely, dear,
For you don't have very long,

Don't gasp if I'm not weeping,
If I offer no repentance,
For you were never mine to judge,
And you were never mine to sentence.

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