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Business Webpage


Having a Business webpage allows you a flexible way of advertising, Newspaper only display and shows data and information in a limited space, TV ads only displays and shows information in a limited time space while through Internet it is totally flexible and total information in an unlimited time , space and total interaction from your clients and your business . You can display and show everything from images to text you can chat with them too...

About Adweb a Filipino web builder

Adweb is a Filipino web building site , a site that was build by an ordinary Filipino youth , the site goals and purpose is to share the technology learned through low cost website building for Filipino masses. This site is being supported by a free webhosting site, through this customers websites and webpages are being supported also by, its one reason why webpages and websites doesnt expect monthly payments since the site is hosted free.

Nothing more and nothing less its easy and our job also is a little bit easy so we dont expect our job fee will be costly. Others say it cost a lot having a webpages but actually you can have it even for free. Now take advantage of Adweb a low cost web builder , all you do is pay us for designing fee and labor fee and you got your free website for free.

Well, I forgot one more advantage here, in Adweb therre are many free services that are offered plus a policy rule of "jobdone first before payment" so you wont expect a job undone. At adweb we built first your website and put it first at world wide web before collection of payments come. See !!!! great advantage are coming....

A Note from Adweb Author

Adweb goal at the start is to provide cheap but modern technology to the Filipino masses, Philippines today are in the edge of poor economy, the population of the 3rd class Filipinos are rising and never been decreasing…,As you have seen Philippines is swinging now to bad and good sides, our country are rich not as well in natural resources but as well human resources. We have seen bright and talented Filipinos everywhere, there ideas and talents can be classified and rank at the best, but even though of that good sides Filipinos still clinging to the other side, the other side that bring him nowhere but down.

Many great Filipinos of talented nature and of great ideas are not been supported by the Government and even do its countrymen. Now technology comes and its roots now are being planted in our era, everyday technology becomes cheap and cheaper and now we are here to grab it at the cheapest price and I think that's one advantage of 3rd world countries . The 1st world countries do the thinking and the designing and us the lower class benefits from them.

I don't say that all we have to do is wait for their technology, and put now our faith and trust of our country, even though that's now our situation , I don't deny it because its true…

I just hope someday we could change and together we can lift our country to the right place it deserves, through this I offer my talents and my strength to the Filipino… and maybe through this small services I offer to the public , I could maybe help even a little to our Country.

Price lists of services

Basic services
One time fee monthly fee maintenance fee Designing fee consultancy fee
500 free free free free
Added services
Additional personal pictures Additional page Edit fee Customization of site Guestbook Chatroom Bulletin board
100 each 100 each 100 300 100 100 100

Information about the services offered

500 one time fee Offers 4 basic services for free:

service no. 1

--- Free 4 good running webpages ( This is the contents ) and one designed frontpage ( this is the mainpage or the home page you have seen in this site )

service no. 2

--- Free hosting of your website, since adweb was being sponsored by " " a free website hosting company so thus your website will be. So don't expect for monthly dues to paid, all we have to do is to design and promote your site. After this short run you can have an interactive website accessible worldwide.

service no. 3

--- Free one scanned image you can sent it to me through e mail , this image can be a logo of your business if you want to build a business website, a group picture,class picture or your club picture for organizational website ( example class picture of batch 95 "Notre Dame University") or maybe a personal picture of you or your family for personal homepage.

service no 4

--- Free consultancy, you can consult me through email and I will be at your service everyday.

additional services

basic additional services

additional pages

--- additional pages cost only 100 pesos, these additional pages will be inserted in your website and its link will be imbedded in the frontpage of your website. This additional pages can be sent to us through email.

additional images

--- additional images cost only 100 pesos, this image can be a picture of you, a company picture, your club picture, fraternity picture, picture of buildings,house and lot (if you're selling real estates),a logo, or a graph pictures.

basic editing

--- this services allow you to re edit the contents and the front page , this services cost only 100 pesos.


--- customization of site allows the site being customized through java programs, java applets, and moving pictures and backgrounds.

advanced additional services


--- Guestbook allows the visitor of your site leave messages to you, this is wonderful since there is an interactive relationship between you and your visitors. Through guestbook you can use it from bulletin board as well as message board. This guestbook is being hosted free from


--- Now its a personal chatting room right at your website, there your visitors allowed to chat with you if you are online too . This additional services comes free instructions how to use it. Its nice try it and you can chat anyone in the world in a personal chatting room that means its totally private( use it to chat with your love ones in your homepage all around the world).

Bulletin board

--- Same as the guestbook, but use only as a message board.

If you are outside Manila, Here's the easy step if you're interested

  1. Step one --- the first thing to do is to make first the content of your proposed homepage, typing it in text format in microsoft word or in any text editor. Put all the text you want and all the summary , include also in the page if it is the front page or the content page.(note: page limit are 5 pages only, additional page can be done in additional services . This means you will make fisrt only 5 pages . After payment you can have unlimitted additional pages for 100 pesos each.

  2. Step two --- After you have designed the contents of your webpage, now you can send it to me through e mail ( technique --Copy and paste the text to the email sending box). note: in sending email indicate the begin and end of pages through marking it with dash line.

  3. Step Three --- Send your Name, Kind of website you are building, and Contact number where you can be contacted. ( Important to send these 3 information )

  4. Step four --- After this a couple of days you will be noted if youre website are now ready and finish after that you can now access your website in the world wide web. (payment will be done after).

  5. Step five ---- Payment can be done through money order via LBC. send it to address:(see down for address)note: Payment can be done after , so don't worry for paying undone services. At Adweb we do the services first before payments , your designed website will be presented first to you.

  6. Step six --- For additional services or for consultancy you can inform me through email.

  7. Click these for easy instruction

    If you are in the coverage of Manila here's my contact links where you can contact me and arrange appointments. I'll be glad to meet you and to share my services to you.

    See sample webpage - Visit Fil-Estate Green Hornets branch one of my clients

    Contact me

    Phone: 09179476084
    call me or text me for appointment

    Money order payment will be forwarded here

    Martin Angelo Dideles -- room J, 2nd flr Water Crest Dormitory
    (near New Era University) Milton Hills Subdivision, Diliman Quezon city

    Email adress:
    For additional services and information you cand send email to:

    Click Guestbook , Let me now if you are interested.
    Leave your Name and Contact number
    We will call you for more Info.

    Click to go back home