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Guide 1
Send this important information below
  1. Name
  2. Phone
  3. Email (optional)
  4. Title of Webpage
  5. Page 1 title
  6. page 2 title
  7. page 3 title
  8. page 4 title
Send the drafts and the contents of pages and introduction.
  1. Contents of Introduction
  2. Contents of page 1
  3. Contents of page 2
  4. Contents pf page 3
  5. Contents of page 4
  6. Send the scanned picture for the frontpage
Methods of sending

E-mail – you can send the above information via email, copy and paste your
draft from any Microsoft word processor to the email sending box. Send to .

Post mail – Send the contents typed and drafted in Microsoft word and
copied to 3.5 diskette , include casing to the diskette to protect it from
handling. Attached also the scanned picture. Note (send it via JRS express
or any one day delivery system)


  1. A couple of days we will call you and you can see
    and check now your website via internet
  2. Collection of payment is done through LBC money mail, you can send your fee
    . pls. note (mailing fee is exempted in the overall service fee Of 500 pesos
    one time fee . No monthly fee after you pay 500 pesos) discount of 30% is
    available to students organization.
  3. After you have paid the amount you can have your website accessible worldwide Through the help of .
  4. Additional services such as editing , additional pages, guest book, and
    chatroom you can inquire through my email .
  5. For any Information you can leave message to my guestbook

This is what your website will look like

See Sample !!!

If you are interested
you can send your telephone number for more information
or you can text or call me at 09179476084
