BUBBLES cont... By: Sailor @ngie =)(sailor_angie@hotmail.com/http://www.angelfire.com/wi/animesite/index.html) Now after the little bazooka incident a month ago Amy was diagnosed as pretty stable and was returned to the Sailor Scouts. Malachite and Jedite new better after what happened last time so nobody laughed at her anymore but Zoicite had no idea! First off Jedite, Nephlyte, Zoicite, and Malachite are fighting the Scouts. They returned to the same site they had been fighting at before considering that Sailor Moon had been crying there for the entire month because she still couldn't reach her moon wand. They thought that maybe there might be a small chance that she might come to her senses and have Luna reach it for her. Now it just happened that at this very second a rose came flying out at Zoicite...she was laughing...do you wonder why he threw it at her now? "Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do that for?!?!" Zoicite began to cry, she might seem tough but one little scratch and well you get the picture. Malachite rushed over to her. "Tuxedo Mask...I should have known you-you..." Malachite stuttered. "Sorry 'bout that Zoicite, Malachite you out of anybody should know that when Zoicite starts laughing you can't stop her." Tuxedo Mask looked at Malachite. "Well yes that is true." "Oh and Zoicite don't be such a baby you know that didn't hurt you!" Darian said. "Yes you did!" Zoicite sobbed terribly loud, could you ever imagine her laugh mixed with her bawling...well that's what it sounded like! "Are you guys gonna sit there all day discussing Zoicite, we've got a universe to save here." Mars said impatiently. "Right Mars!" Tuxedo Mask replied. "Raye's right let's get down to business! Mercury Bubbles BLAST!!" Zoicite wasn't crying anymore she was laughing hysterically. "Bubbles- give me a break....you are so pathetic Mercury!" "She didn't mean it Mercury really she didn't...she hasn't taken her medication yet today. She doesn't know what she's saying!" Malachite cowered in fear. "Oh, so you think that my bubbles are pathetic do you. Well I'll have you know that my AK47 license is pending!" Zoicite suddenly stopped laughing. "Mercury...ah you- you know I was just kidding around." Zoicite slowly hid behind Malachite she knew all of the scouts were psycho, you would be after saying I will punish you on whatever planet or whatever they were from over and over, but she had no idea that Mercury was that crazy! Over by the sewer drain Darian found Serena crying for her moon wand. He walked over and put his arm around her, "Hey Sailor Moon, what's wrong?" "I- I- I LOST MY WAND!!!!!!!!!!!" Serena sobbed. "Ohh Serena." She buried her face in his chest. He looked over her shoulder and saw her Moon Wand two feet lower than the drain. With Serena still hanging off his arm he reached in and grabbed it out, "Is this what you were looking for?" "Ohh Darian you found my wand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She suddenly cheered up. Darian smiled as she stared at the wand in blissfulness, "Do you want to get some ice cream?" "You bet I do, I've been sitting here for a month, I'm starved, I hope you got a lotta extra cash in your tuxedo!" Darian didn't think he had a lot, but he just wouldn't order anything, he knew that Serena was gonna eat twice her weight in ice cream! Back by the four warriors the four scouts were sitting there arguing about something pointless. "You know Venus you might think you're the prettiest, but I've got news for you, not only am I the best looking, but my attack is the best!" Lita snapped "Oh really!" Mars interrupted before Mina could comment, "You think you are so cool Jupiter, but the fact is is that I'm better than all of you," she cleared her throught in preparation of her speech telling them how she was better than all of them, "First off, Amy I certainly have better taste in fashion than you do, not to mention I'm a lot more gutsy, Lita, you self absorbed twit, if you spent half of the time you complimenting yourself in front of the mirror on concentrating to be less egotistical, you'd be the next mother Teresa...you might be tall, but I could beat you in any sport any day, and that includes martial arts, you know that I'm way better than you'll ever be! Mina, you should take beauty tips from me, and I think you've been around Serena way to much, you say all the stupid predictable lines!" "I do not Raye!" She spazed. "See, everybody reading this stupid script knew you were gonna say that!" "There's a script?" Venus was puzzled. "That too!" Mars teased. "Why can't we all calm down here." Amy tried to reason with their quarreling, but was yelled over instead of stopping them. Jed, Neph, Zoi, and Malachite were snickering amongst themselves. How could the Sailor Scouts be so incompetent? "So how long so you think they'll continue with this?" Zoicite asked all of them. "Quite some time I'll imagine." Malachite rolled his eyes. "I think I might go find Molly if she's in the neighborhood, we'll have all the time in the world to catch up on things!" Nephlyte commented. "They'll be at it for a long while if I know them, I bet you ten bucks it'll be twenty minutes before they even wonder where Miss Moon and-" Zoicite cut him off, "Cape Boy ran off to, twenty says they'll kill Mars first!" "You're on!" Jedite proclaimed. The warriors paid no attention to the scouts, and placed bids on how long they would fight, who would be murdered first, by whom, and when they would realize that Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask had left. Darian and Serena sat in the closest malt shop, They were so lazy they didn't even bother to take off their costumes, "So Darian, how's school going?" Serena inquired with a full mouth. Darian was a bit disgusted, but he'd learned to deal with it over the last couple months, "Just fine, what do you think about me getting a new tuxedo?" "I think it would be a great idea, not that yours looks bad, but well I want to get to know you better, WE COULD MAKE A DAY OF IT!" Serena shoveled as much ice cream into her mouth as her cheeks could allow. Darian silently wondered if that was a world record, he'd heard of that new TV show, he could make a mint off her stuffing her face, "Wonderful." He beamed. "Darian I have to ask, do you like my Sailor outfit?" "Yah it's fine why?" "What do you like about it?" Darian wasn't going to lie, "The mini skirt, and the tight leotard, and-" "Okay, that's enough, do you ever think of me like you know..." "No, I don't know." "You know." She played footsie with him under the table. "Serena, you're 15, and I'm like 20...of coarse I do!" She gave a happy grin, and for a millisecond wondered what the scouts were doing, but all her thoughts were overcome by her ice cream in front of her waiting to be gobbled up, and she was the one person just right for the job. Now while all that had been going on Rini(Sailor Chibi Moon) was just getting out of her classes when she heard the scouts fighting, the warriors betting, and Darian and Serena coming towards them in the horizon. Luna, Artemis, and Diana were following closely behind her, and when her stride broke into a halt they naturally bumped into her. "What's going on Small Lady?" Diana asked sweetly. "I dunno, the scouts are fighting..." "About something useless no doubt!" Luna complained. "I can see four people floating in the air above them laughing..." She trailed off. "Hey, isn't that-" Luna cut Artemis off. "-Jedite, Nephlyte, Zoicite, and Malachite...I'd know them any where!" "Who are they?" Rini asked tentatively. "That's right you've never met them, they were Queen Beryl's fiercest warriors, now that we've killed her they're quite nice actually. Is that Darian and Serena over there kissing? Is that American or French?" "Huh?" Rini didn't get it, she walked by the warriors, "Hey Mr. Jet, Mr. Flight, Soy Sauce, Rock dude, what are they doing?" The warriors all looked down at Rini, what had she called them, "First off my name is Jedite," he turned to his colleagues and said, "doesn't she bare an uncanny resemblance to Miss Moon!" "Yes," Nephlyte turned to Rini, "I'm Nephlyte, now what did you say your name was little girl?" "I'm Rini, now what are they doing?" "Fighting, for nearly two hours now!" Zoicite threw back her head and let out a hideous laugh. Rini quickly covered her ears and screamed, "I can't stand that noise Soy Sauce!" The laughing stopped and Rini removed her hands, "My name is Zoicite thank you very much." "Tell me why you bare such a resemblance to Sailor Moon?" Malachite questioned. "It's not by choice, not that I want to admit it, but I am her daughter from the future, and also Sailor Chibi Moon and by the way I love your hair, is that Sandy White hair coloring, I've just been itching to get rid of this pink color, and I do so love that shade!" Malachite turned away insulted. Artemis spoke up, "So what are they fighting about now?" Zoicite simple couldn't help herself, she blurted out every little detail to all four of them and at the end they all had one big laugh, even Rini put up with Zoicite's annoying habit. They all were having the best time until they realized that the scouts had heard everything that they'd said, and Sailor Mercury was no where to be found, she had vanished. This worried all of them, but Mars, Venus, and Jupiter were content on having revenge. "Now what were you talking about?" Mars asked, you could so tell she was ticked! Giant sweat drops formed on all eight of their heads, "We were discussing Darian and Serena, and their sick romance." Rini replied to the scouts, and pointed to them still kissing, "Ewwwww, that's definitely French Luna!" Luna had a sweat drop on her head as she replied, "Yes Rini, I'm sure we can all agree that it is a very disgusting display of affection!" "You're right, I don't even do that with Malachite!" Zoicite remarked. "Not in public anyway!" He grinned at Zoicite, and he winked at him. "That's more than we needed to know." Mina stuck her finger in her mouth as if she was gagging herself. "You can say that again!" Raye and Lita said at the same time as they stuck their tongues out with nausea. "Hey Jupiter, I'll pay you fifty bucks if you murder Mars!" Jedite changed the subject, he hadn't ever lost a bet, and didn't plan on it. "I would 'cept my new year's resolution was not to kill anybody, I could break it here with Mars, but well she's not worthy of being the one that breaks my streak." "Excuse me, and just why not?" "Well, no offense but you're a weakling, even Amy with her precious little bubbles could kill you easily, I want a challenge." "Were you talking about my Bubbles, what the hell is up with these stupid little BUBBLES????????????" Amy screamed. "GOD HELP ME I WAS CURSED WITH THESE ACCURSED BUBBLES I JUST CAN'T COMPREHEND WHY!? Serena might have a boyfriend whom she is making out with right now," Darian suddenly looked over at them and realized that they'd been watching them the whole time, and blushed a brighter red then when he found out that Rini was him and Serena's daughter! That is pretty neon crimson! "but I simply don't understand why I have these @$#&%*^ing damn BUBBLES! I still like the idea of having Mercury Falls on you Power-" "Mercury, again with the weight?" Mina said stupidly as Mars elbowed her, "Ouch!" "You all are bumbling idiots, may I remind you that we've been over this before, not me falling on the enemy, the planet!" "Oh yah." Venus remembered as Raye elbowed her again. "Why'd you do that?!" "Sorry, it's fun abusing you!" She slapped Lita up side the head and started a cat fight that lasted for several hours. Amy yawned as Jedite paid Nephlyte twenty-five dollars, Lita had knocked Mina out first, and was working on Raye, after having to use some of her powers on her thunder attack they were quite equally matched. Serena had fallen asleep on Darian, and he was nodding of too. Zoicite was cuddled up with Malachite on a bench next to Serena and Darian. Rini was using all three of the cats as pillows, and they somehow managed to all be comfortable. Amy sighed, then suddenly remembered why she had left when the scouts were fighting, "Nobody move!" She yelled and got everybody's attention except Serena and Darian, they both were snoring away. Mina even sat up, if there were any stupid lines to be said she was the one to do it. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter's eyes widened in disbelief as Amy pulled out an AK47 and got ready to shoot it off. "Mina has no good lines, Raye is not only full of her self, but she is a whiner, Lita is dieing to shoot off thunder, Serena and Darian are sleeping on top of each other. Rini is squshing our guardian cats, Jedite just lost a bet for the first time to Molly obsessed Nephlyte, not to mention that Zoicite and Malachite are dieng to get a room. If they don't soon, I'm gonna be sick, and speaking of being sick, I'm sick of all of you, I can't stand your quarreling anymore. I hereby quit the Sailor Scouts, but I won't leave forgotten... EAT LEAD!!!!!!!!!!" Mercury screamed, but the first shot with her AK47 was so powerful that it threw her back ten feet, and she was out cold. "Is she dead?" Rini inquired. "I don't think so but I wouldn't get to close, Mercury is full of surprises!" Mina stated, "So how was that Raye, nobody could've predicted that I'd say that!" "Yes they did everyone of them knew it!" She teased as Mina's face grew a bright red, and Lita could've sworn that smoke was coming out of her ears. To end I'll inform you about what happened to them all. Serena isn't a light sleeper, and Darian took her to his apartment to spend the night...nobody wants to know what they did okay. Mercury(Amy) was shipped off to the loony bin, and lived out the rest of her days in a nice padded room. Venus(Mina) had a minor concussion, but her and the remaining three planetary scouts patched it up as usual. Rini nearly killed Artemis, if she hadn't wondered why he wasn't breathing, and wouldn't get up...well let's just say he wouldn't be alive today. Jedite is currently going out with Mina, and hasn't lost a bet since. Nephlyte and Molly are engaged to be married, though she still doesn't know that Serena is Sailor Moon.(Well, DUH!) Zoicite and Malachite finally got a room, and are expecting their first born next month... the two top contending names are Amy because she was the one who suggested the they get a room, and Cecil don't ask, but oddly enough he was the one who hooked them up in the first place. Aww, another happy ending...well not really, poor Amy is still in the insane house and Raye and Lita don't have boyfriends but Amy deserved it, and who'd want to go out with either of them? Raye and Lita suddenly come up behind the writer and knock her out, "That'll teach you to mess with us!" Raye smiled. "Hey, why don't we use her computer to write our personal adds!" Lita suggested happily. Raye: A great person with a great attitude, seeks other that likes to do fire readings, may be a little whiny but aren't we all! Lita: May be stronger than most men, but loves to shoot thunder and electricity, if same reply. Likes green, and can kick the crap outta anybody!