The Adventures of @ngie & Starry Chapter 2: More Kawaii Bishounen!!!!!!! By: Sailor @ngie & kinda Starry @@@@@ With cameos by: My gal Starry, Kunzite, Jadeite, Andrew, Diamond, Saffir, Usagi, Cape Boy, Fish Eye, an array of Sailor Moons, Kali, Kim, Shana, Laura p., Ryoko, David, Emerald, Fish Eye, my mom, my dad, my brothers: Scott, and Nick. If anyone really cares, my mom and dad hate me for watching anime, my mom still thinks that the best consequence for a "potty mouth" is soap, and my dad, well he is always giving me lectures on being cordial to people, and insists on calling me funny names when he picks up the phone for me. Scott is 12, and though younger than I by bout' 3 years somehow always has to use the phone when I'm on it. Nick is 10, and though he swears himself tells on me anytime I say one little thing under my breath. I was asked for a sequel from my friends *don't even ask me why!* so here it is you guys. @@@@@ To all, I want to thank you for sending me mails, and it was nice at first, to get to talk to y'all, then they came like flies to dead animals, I come into my e-mail after being absent for a week say. 40 new messages awaited me, and they were all DAMN CHAIN LETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thank you very much, I do appreciate you all taking up my limited 2,000K, reserved for meaningful letters from Sniper, and other ppls. I have tried to be sincere about it but enough is enough, please cease and desist from your excessive chain letter sending. I may be rude to say so but quite frankly I don't care if your crush won't ask you out if you don't send a mail to a million people, and further more I agree with Cassie that from here on out if you send me a chain letter I will send 10 right back to you, I can't take it anymore. Do you know how long it takes for my hotmail inbox to load with 50+ chain letters each with 20K in them... Do you???? ***** Kunz: Hey hon, whatcha doin'? @ngie: Oh, just telling my friends to chill about the chain letters, so what's Zoi up to? Kunz: Zoicite...I dunno, what about your friends? @ngie: Okay, I'll give you the 411, well Kali, she took a nice trip to the loony bin, you know the nice place up the hill with white padded rooms, and those trendy white jackets. Kunz: Poor thing, I guess you talking about Sailor Moon that way finally got to her. @ngie: Was I really that bad? Kunz: .::No comment::. @ngie: Whatever, Kim, she joined Kali soon after, they said that she had the idea in her head that the only way you'd be pretty was if you weighed less that 50 lbs. So sad... Shana well Shana got arrested for harassing guys, but broke out soon after, they still haven't found her. David he's a male stripper, and makes very little money, oddly enough he dropped outta highschool, 2 days after being a freshman...and hasn't had a girl friend since. Venus Babe she hasn't been better, she's got a boyfriend and says that she's well on her way to being a geneticist. Kunz: *chuckling* Poor David, didn't see it coming, what a waste. @ngie: You're tellin' m-- David: Talkin' 'bout me eh, the great Sailor Moon won't take it!!!!!!!! On be half of the moon I will dust you into oblivian!!!!!!!!!!!! Kali: Freak, I am the real Sailor Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moon Crystal Pow--...hey where'd Rini, and Darien go off to now!? @ngie: OH god!!!!!!! *Latches on to Kunzy, but he doesn't mind* Kim: I'm which ever Sailor Scout is the skinniest, and most beautiful! Kunz: What have you done!? @ngie: MEEEEEEE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Usagi: I thought I was Sailor Moon! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Darien: It's okay Usako, you're still my Sailor Moon @ngie: Kunzy, David's scaring me! Guys especially him weren't meant to wear mini skirts. Shana: Hey Davey-- errr I mean Sailor Transvestite, I'm "by"...wanna go get a room!? @ngie: Save me, will this nightmare ever end!? Kunz: Apparently not yet, say hi to your mom, and brothers @ng... @ngie: Do me a favor Kunz, get Starry NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kunz: Right on it... *quickly sprints off* @ngie: Ughhhhhh hi mom, Scott, nick... ughhhhhhhhh @ngie's Mom: Angela Jean, are you watching @nime again!? @ngie: Ummmm @ngie's Dad: Angela Jeanie Jelly Beanie, phone for you! @ngie: DA-AAD, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that in front of my friends @ngie's Dad: You have friends, just remember to be cordial to them, or you won't have any at all! Scott: @@@@@@@@@@@@NNNNNNGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I need the phone!!!!!!! @ngie: Just a DAMN minute! Nick: I'm telling mom you said the D-word @ngie: OH yah, well I'll tell her that you're-- @ngie's Mom: What did you say!?!?!?!?!? *in a ms. crabtree fashion(from South Park)* Starry: I tried to call, what's the 911 for? @ngie: *now clung to Kunz again* Look Starry: *peers around wide eyed* God Save Us All! @ngie: Help me, please tell me you wrote it, and can make it go away...Starry?????? Starry: Is Shana a prostitute? Omigod... what the hell is David doing in a leotard?!?!?!?! That's just wrong!!!!!!!!!!! @ngie: Common'!!!!! Nick: I'm telling your mom you said the H-word! Starry: I really hate to say it, but I didn't write it, I don't know who did, where it's from, or how to undo it for that matter... Booming *vaugly familar* Voice: That's right, I wrote it, and I am so very glad that you are getting what you deserved @ngie. *obnoxious laughing starts to shatter glass* Starry, @ngie, and Kunz: ZOICITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zoicite: That's right, it's pay back for taking my man! Kunzite: Zoicite, I'm sick of wondering if I'm "by" or just plain gay! @ngie: He's mine, Zoi, you can't have him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zoicite: Kunzy, we can work things out! I know we can! Kunzite: Well...I suppose...Sorry @ngie @ngie: Ughhhh I lost Kunz to Zoicite MAAA--AAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Starry: You do have a boyfriend ya know @ngie: Sure but I need a quick guy fix *moping* Starry: Now that I can do for ya buddy ol' pal! *snaps fingers and suddenly Jadeite, Andrew, Diamond, Saffir, Cape Boy, Fish Eye, Ranma 1/2 (in guy form) and Tenchi Miyu appear in speedo's* @ngie: That'll work, hi Ranma sweetie, howya doin'? Starry: I said it once and I'll say it again, Hello Male Nurse! Saffir honey, you said you'd call but you never did, 'sup wit dat? Saffir: Diamond gimme some help! Diamond: I got problems of my own little bro-- *cut off by @ngie strangling him* @ngie: Whoops, took the words right out of your mouth didn't I tee hee Starry: So many to choose from! @ngie: OH Jeddy, I'm still open for that marriage! Jeddy: Oh My God!!!!!!!!! @ngie: he he... *starts giggling hysterically* Laura P: Alright who gave @ngie Mountain Dew?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Starry: Now where did Saffir run off to now? Kali: Hey I'm still Sailor Moon! *she looks kinda funny with odango hair, but can pull it off pretty well for her hair color* Diamond: Really, we should talk... Starry: Hey wait Dimy! Emerald: Oh Prince Hunkster, what about me!? Diamond: Take a hike Emerald, Sailor Moon and I have some unfinished business to attend to... *escorts Kali a.k.a. Sailor Moon off the set if there is a set...* Emerald: This is all YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *points finger almost up @ngie's nose* @ngie: Hmmmmmmm *looks up from trying to snuggle with Fish Eye and swats away Emerald's hand* Can I help you? *Suddenly Fish Eye escapes, and runs through a window* Now look what you did, hmphh What was so important that it couldn't wait!? Emerald: Sorry, I'm incompetent I forgot... @ngie: Ugghh, hmm Andrew, get over here you cutie pie, I gotta talk to you! Ranma: RUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tenchi: Huh, did he say fun? @ngie: Yah, you'll have plenty with me! Ryoko: Hands off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grabs Tenchi and dissapears* @ngie: Maa-aan Starry: You're telling me, where did they all go!? @ngie: Oh well, wanna get food Starry: I'm in the mood for ice cream... mmmmm @ngie: OR taco bell taco's and nacho's yummy Starry: Where do you get tacos from ice cream? @ngie: I like tacos! Starry: Doi, I thought she was weird, but I was wrong, she's psycho, she belongs in a loony bin more than anyone! @ngie: I'll go if they have tacos! I like tacos! Starry: We know that... @ngie: I like puppies too! Starry: Great *Is now snapping fingers mellow dramatically to get her help* Guys in white coats: Where is she? Starry: Right there, I hope you brought a stait jacket! @ngie: Do you have tacos? Guy in white coat: Oh yah, book her for a while * waves his hand @ngie: I'm Venus Babe Starry: Oh well, I got a date with Denny, gotta get ready *walks off* Who knows what will happen after this one folks... 7/1/99 finished 2 1