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      Ah, 1997. The end of my 7th grade year, and the starting of my final year at St. Sebastian's School. I grew in many ways that year--I bonded with my class. I also got my first taste of the internet, and found a place where Aquafans would come together to chat.. I found it to be an interesting and new environment! I could talk, and not worry about my shyness. Although I was a youth, I still possessed many of the same qualities that make up Dave today. The noticeable event that year was my Bahamas trip! For many people, these were the first pictures of me they ever saw (especially the notorious "Dolphin" picture). So enjoy!

This is from my trip to the Dells during the summer. I put my hair up in spikes! Heh heh it looked pretty cool for a while... but I didn't like the stares, and the comments, etc. so I stopped putting it that way. Although I did do it again once in 2001... Will I do it again? Only time will tell heh heh.

This was from my trip to the Bahamas. I wasn't doing anything... Honest! Looking back, I really wonder WHAT I was doing?!?

Ah, the ever-famous dolphin picture. I don't know the dolphin's name, but he did star in the motion picture "Flipper". Not the series. Also from the Bahamas. I wonder how many people I showed this photo to in Aquachat...

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