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      1998 was an interesting year in my life. I said goodbye to middle school, and went on to the big world of high school. After graduation (where I wore a nice suit--and I have a picture where I look even older than I am now in college!), I experienced for the first time missing a class of people. I had never cried due to missing a group of people from school who I really didn't know as personal friends before. During this time, Aquachat constantly changed, too. From a hectic op period, to a period where everyone seemed to disappear and be replaced by new people... And this was the era where I met the people who were really the most influential in my life for the next four years. I met Kati and Kristin... and then some who I still remember talking to a bit.. spiff, Franz, Dell, Dev... ah, memories. And then highschool. Where I developed my first real crush, and was pushed to reveal it far too early. It was a great period of change, although it may not have been change for the better...

So these are mostly of the big event of that period: my cruise to Cozumel, Mexico! Where I mostly marveled at my cousin Chris's social abilities, and either sat in my cabin with the lights off, or went up to the highest ship deck at night, and stared off, in contemplation, at the stars... so here's the pics!

This is from my trip up to my Aunt's house. It wasn't really a major event, just a fun little thing. A nice group pic of my cousins, my aunt, and a smidgeon of Jason in the corner. It was taken around August. At a Pizza Hut even!

Again, from my Aunt's house. I think I was about to brush back my hair... note the lovely artwork I did to put my brother's head into the sleeping bag! This was probably the second-most given-out picture from the Aquachat days. I just really liked it.

This is from my lovely cruise! I guess this was from the first or second day; although I'd always thought that the other cruise photo happened before! Blasted day/night confusingness... But yes! I enjoy this photo. That's my dad next to me.

Yet another cruise photo! This was taken when we stepped off the big boat, and walked around Cozumel, Mexico. A fun place, it was! The snorkeling was wonderful, even though I froze.

This is the blooper photo. I say this is the hands-down, worst photo of me that I've ever seen. So once you've seen this.. Yeah. This was my Freshman Year Photo... ...

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