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      1999 was a turning point in my life where I laid myself too low for too long. It started out alright... then on March 23rd, I got in a car accident. I was the only one hurt, and you'll see my injuries! As the year went on, my crush was revealed to the entire school, and I was rejected. Believing that to be a result of my shyness (which I now know to be not true), I got down on myself. That summer, though, I met Jenna online. She accepted me, for some reason, and we went out for six months. The summer was fun, I felt good, had friends, had a nice g/f, and on July 28th, a really cool website! *ahem*. Then I went back to school, and decided to write a paper. On my shyness. Slowly, it began to take the shape of a journal, and through most of that year my random thoughts (and a lot of... simply awful Korn songs) were put in there. In November, Jenna broke up with me, and my self-confidence hit a rock. I just kept on listening to Jon Davis, neglected online, and fell into a spiral of hate... (To Be Continued! Heh heh)

This was my face wounds after the accident. You can see a little blood on the jacket too. And something happened to this picture in development... I've never understood it. But the weird "fire" effect looks kind of cool here, no?

You can see the chin wound a bit better on this one. I really wonder what I looked like before I'd gone into the hospital, though...

This is a very odd picture taken at a Fireside restaurant. Yet another in the blooper series of photos. It's.. kind of funny, I guess.

Here's one of the best photos of me that has been taken (I think). I just love the shadow... the hair's a bit odd, but hey! It gives some zany character to it. All of these photos were pretty much part of a "photo shoot" that I did just because I wanted photos to put online.

Here's a lovely picture of me with my dog, Annie. She even looks nervous in this picture... *sigh* I love that dog. Oddly enough, I don't think I look like me in this pic.

Another picture of me with Annie! Her nose looks big in this one. *looks around* ... ... ...

A happy point picture that was cut off due to Annie indecentness.

Looking out over the surface of a pool... water is relaxing. Although cold. Relaxing... but cold.

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