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      Well, in January, things seemed to be going well. I'd gotten Marcy seven carnations for our seven-month anniversary, and everyone was happy. But then.. I screwed up. One day, I got mad, and said... things... that I did feel at the time, and after that the relationship was never the same. Then came the rumours about cheating, and the evidence kind of built up, but I still don't know what happened to this day, and I can still only take her word that she wasn't. We saw each other once within a period of two months, and that was for formal. It was nice, but in a sad kind of way, like I knew it was going to be the last time I'd see her. Our phone conversations got to the point where it was either silence, or I asked her why she never wanted to see me in person anymore. She was always busy with friends... Then, I decided to go back online. I missed people there, and after a little bit, they started talking to me again. I rebuilt my friendship with Kati, and by the time the relationship with Marcy ended up dying, it didn't really hurt as bad, because I knew I had friends who would back me up. (Mike, well, Mike had never given Marcy a chance, so I wouldn't really call his support backup.) So that summer was fun... Talked on the computer a lot.. got into the dreamy, lovely, simply elegant Cure... went to my first concert with Rammstein! And generally had fun... then went back to school. Didn't expect a downturn to come along, except for maybe graduation and the sadness that might involve. But no. I wasn't prepared at all for the downturn that came. Crystal died September 29th. Completely unexpected. But with God's help and the help of friends, we all made it through. But I will never forget... there's still certain things (two certain songs, especially) that still make me feel like crying whenever I recognize them. But the year went on... I made Nikita as a friend! Robert Smith was singing all the while...

Ah, yes... this was the first picture to be taken by my digital camera! It was pretty much the adornment of my picture site for the last year... it's interesting. But a bit old.

The lovely pictures I got from the Rammstein concert! You know you want to see odd pictures of me, Jay, and Olli! ... Who's Olli? You know, the bass player? *sigh*...

These are pretty much all the pictures I had taken on my webcam during the year 2001. Well, all the important ones, anyway. They're just a nice collection of me pics. (Please note that they don't look like this nice little entry picture... they're all... normal. I just wanted to make the entrance look special.)

These are just a few leftover pics I decided to put in. So... enjoy?

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