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      2002 was in retrospect a rather pleasant and interesting year. I got a lot of Cureness... Graduated from CLS, and although I knew a lot of people there very well, it wasn't exactly sad to leave them (I don't know why... thinking about it kind of disturbs me, because I loved my classmates)... got to know the joys of other 80s bands like Tears for Fears, Human League, Sisters of Mercy, and Siouxsie. Attempted to get a job, for the first time in my life (even though it only lasted one day... greyhounds don't like me)! Talked a lot online... had a struggle with Chemistry... finally got my driver's license, despite much angst otherwise... And then... I moved out. Into a new world... a new town. A new life... Although it shared 90% similarity with my old life.. College at Georgia Tech. As I started a new semester, things seemed good. I got to meet people from online, and that was fun. As classes went on, I found that I had a problem. With sleeping in. And missing classes/quizzes. This, of course, did not fare well for my grades, causing me to make 1st Semester a big waste. Other highlights were a fun football game, and a bout of insanity. As I went home for Christmas, I got hit in the face with another bit of news--my friend Sam was dead. He was at that time training to be in the Marines. Autopsy reported adema to be the cause. He was a great guy, and I attended his party that summer... He will be missed. The weird thing is, I'd think that the deaths I'd encounter would be mostly those older than 50... but it's actually people I went to class with... disturbing.

These are all the pictures that are from 2002 before I moved out of the house and into my college life..

Here's some (very dark) pictures of me with my spiky black hair in college! (And yes, that behind me is what my dorm room looks like.)

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