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      Ah, 2003. The current year. The second semester at Tech. My determined semester. Determined to bring my GPA up so I could continue attendance. So the semester went on, not much happened... Went to class, succeeded on a few tests... then Spring Break! Went to Destin, Florida, which was more of a bonding time than a party time, sadly. But bonding is good! I guess. Got back to Tech... then found out that you've got to have at least a 2.0 to apply for a loan. A loan which I needed to keep attending. So my dreams of raising the GPA up were kind of crushed for a bit. That kind of brings us to the present-day... Summer Adventures will be up as they come! Now for the pictures!

These pictures I took for a CS website I had to make... horrible lighting and weird pics resulted!

Ah, college. Here's some random pictures taken around the dorm! Ah, happiness...

Ah, the Tech sport of Frisbee Golf. All around East Campus, young men flock with their frisbees to hit a garbage can of glory... or a tree of total loss. (I think I may have the record for lowest score ever in that game!)

During Spring Break, me and four other cool guys made it down to Destin, Florida. Here's the pictures we took! (I'll finish this section soon.)


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