Kenneth: Hi Aquashark. Aquashark: bo Kenneth makes a ferrit of a bunch of worn paperbags. *HotStuff*: where did everyone go? Kenneth washes his dishes in the name of sir Paul. Aquashark: I see... is your name Sir Ramses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Where's My Thribble? Kenneth: Your thribble lies next to your swallowcollection from Germany, dear sir of Wackenhackentacken. Aquashark: Ah... thank you Kenneth: Want a decoration for the flowers or shal I open a window of champagne? Aquashark: Let's Win Some Determination For These Poor People! Kenneth: I suggest that we sell our castle in Newoldcastlewitch, and gives the money to the poor. Aquashark: Or rather buy the farm and sell our monkeys to the asylum Kenneth: That's a very good idea, my dear sir, but the monkey just died from rabies when it bit itself in its arm. Aquashark: Then we shall sell shellfish. Or some rather large frogs. Kenneth: Frogs is a very good idea. We can sell them to McDonalds for their special week. Aquashark: I think I'll stick to playing on my Hammond-organ tonight, thank you Kenneth: Why not writing a poetry for the big carneval at lady McCulloughs virgin party next week. Aquashark: The readers would probably commit suicide... even the ones who just stopped by for the rugby scores Kenneth: You're so humble. I think I'll go and rape the dogs before I make the fire. Aquashark: Whoa.... that whole thing was weird Kenneth: :0) Kenneth: lol Kenneth: It was fun. Kenneth: We all have a sir inside our hearts. Aquashark: a-men to that swingkid: ok what were you two talkin' about, i just caught rugby and monkeys and frogs Aquashark: that was about it Kenneth: yeah. lol sparkles: what in the world are they talking about swingkid: rugby monkeys and frogs sparkles: ya and i caught rape the dogs Kenneth: Swingkid: We were the lords of the Wackenbackentacken castle. swingkid: rape the dogs? sparkles: ah!! o.k. doesn't that expalin a lot Kenneth: There's a lot of rought things you have to do when you're a lord. swingkid: wackenbackentacken castle... Kenneth: Rough. swingkid: ok i'm really confused Aquashark: don't try to think about... your head will explode Kenneth: Wanna join our castle? Aquashark: errmmm... about "it" swingkid: he just said my head will explode, no Kenneth: You can always buy a new one. swingkid: you scare me man Kenneth: Who? swingkid: yes it is, it's time for the dusty to leave swingkid: you, both of you sparkles: alright bye dusty swingkid: bye Kenneth: Serious? Aquashark: muhuhahahahhaha swingkid: i'll hang around 'til the song ends Kenneth: I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to scare anyone. It was just absurd jokes. swingkid: it's not death fear, it's weord fear Aquashark: Very-very strange, eh comrade? Kenneth: Aah, amigo!!! swingkid: weird not weord Aquashark: It's a gringo! Ho-hoho-ho! Kenneth: Now I got embarrassed. I thought you got scared for real. swingkid: no i'm no treally scared, and i must leave Aquashark: beer beer the musical fruit... wait... no Kenneth: There's a lot of people on the chat who don't understand a single joke. They kick you out. Kenneth: See ya later Dusty. [swingkid left channel Aqua] Kenneth: Are you still there mosceteur Shark? [Shirley joined channel Aqua] Aquashark: Si Kenneth: Good. Kenneth: BTW, where are you from? Aquashark: the state of Wisconsin in the USA Kenneth: I've probably asked this 100 times before. Kenneth: So why not 101. Aquashark: who knoweth Kenneth: How old were you the last time we met? Aquashark: don't know, probably still 14 Kenneth: Ok. Kenneth: And you're now...? Aquashark: 14 Kenneth: Good. Kenneth: And you are a human? Aquashark: close enough Kenneth: Then you're a male or a woman or a teenager? Aquashark: male Kenneth: Ok. Kenneth: Do you remember my stats, or shall I refresh your memory, monseir? Aquashark: refresh away Kenneth: Which one first? Aquashark: huh? Jagged: the first one Kenneth: Age sex or verification? Which one shall I start with? Aquashark: start in that order Kenneth: Very good suggestion. Kenneth: 19 Shirley looks at Kenneth.. your making life way too complicated, boy! Aquashark: verification? hmm... Kenneth: Male Shirley: stats are age/sex. thats it. Kenneth: Sweden Kenneth: That was the menu of today. Aquashark: For lunch, fried escargot. Kenneth: With a bottle of green wine. Kenneth: It's on the house. Kenneth: On the roof, so you won't need a plate.