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Hope you all had good Christmas I can't type much Angelfire no approving space grant; I have problem speaking. Send help; no updates for while until me figures it out. So long.

Okay, umm, it's been a while since my last update. Sorry. Umm, I've been working on some little interests pages on the side... There's gonna be a Rammstein one (basically done), an Aqua one (just started), a Bust-A-Groove one, and a Red Dwarf one. When they're completed, I'll tell you guys here on the news page. So I got some work heh heh. Ah yes! Thanks to everyone who's signed my guestbook! Well, everyone except Chris. Heh heh heh. Big thanks to Jenna!

Umm, I got some bad news, guys. Angelfire's requiring banners to be put on all pages. So it's going to be kinda annoying from here on out. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. Tell ya what... If you think I should switch servers, mail me and tell me about it... We'll see how this turns out.

Ok, I put up a whole lotta miscellaneous stuff, and a new section, called the Family page. It's pretty cool... shows pics of my pets and stuff... and the ever-infamous Chris. Um, check it out...!

Oi, sorry about not updating this page in a while. Faithful viewers of this webpage have noticed changes before now, but I haven't updated too much. Sorry. But I will still be updating this site... Again, I apologize.

NEW PICS! Yes, in a little photo shoot thingy today, I got some cool pictures of me. Check em out.

Updated the links section, and added the WWF Warzone/Attitude Guys. And I think that's all. So nyah.

Updated the links section; not much new. I didn't get any pics from my vacation (dangit) so I guess I'll just try and take some other pics. That's all I gotta say.

Added the new chat section, and updated the entrance page. That's all.

Added 1 new pic of me in the picture gallery; I have spiky hair. Heh heh scary.

Ok, I added a new picture of the Tyrant from Resident Evil. Not big news, but I wanted to put something here. Ah, yes, I'll be gone the 16th and 17th of this month. Until next time, Dave out.

Well, all the links are up. I added the drawings section, and well, I'll update here when I put something new in. Cheers.

Ok, peeps, I'm beginning work on this site today. Not much is working, but soon it'll all be groovy. It shall. Give it time. That's all for now.

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