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Here are the drawings I've, well, drawn. Some are good, some are old, but they're all halfway decent (I hope). So enjoy.

Behold! Animated Dave & Friends!

Click the picture for a full-size version!


Feudalism For Dummies!
Hee hee hee... School Project Makes Good! This is a pretty funny thing that me and a hilarious school guy did for our World History class. Check it out, and don't worry--you won't learn anything.

Double O' David II
Now don't laugh--this is actually a halfway decent comic/script. It revolves around Dave and his partner (Barowski) trying to stop the evil Kris Olsen from nuking our nation's capital. To do so, he must find the parts in colorful places like a Neo-Nazi base, a Russian stronghold, and a corrupt corporation in the heart of Chicago. Sound cheesy? Well, is it, sorta, but I think it'll be ok after I do a little rewriting.

Agent Dave- This guy is the main character. He's a trash-talkin, wise-crackin, gun-shootin maniac. And he's also rather dull-witted at times. Heh heh. (Yes, even he says heh heh. And Hmm..)

Agent Tina Barowski- She's Dave's partner on the mission. She tries (and succeeds) to being the smarter half of the team. Resourceful, but also quite moody, as if she holds a painful secret.

Agent Mike Zoitkowicz- This is Dave and Tina's informant for the mission. He's always in the right place at the right time. Not only good at, err, informing, he also excels in all combat situations.

Kris Olsen- This guy is quite a maniac. Once Dave's friend, he is now a leading dealer within the seedy world of crime. He's a wisecracking maniac like Dave, but knows when to run, too. He almost always takes advantage of any situation. In this picture, he is shown in his robotic powersuit. (Sorry about not finishing the pic, I haven't quite decided on it's mechanics yet)

General Peter Venkeer- The leader of the Neo-Nazi organization in the city of New Hope, NY. He supplies Olsen with the Ballistic Missiles for his warhead. A determined guy, he will fight to the bloody end.

Kyle Jaksen- A friend of our hero's one-time archenemy, Jason Smith, Kyle is now living peacefully in a secluded shack. His eye was gored out in a combat situation, so he had it replaced with an infrared visor. A rather crazy guy.

Heavy SWAT- The best of Wesper's SWAT team got to don this heavy armor and carry around an FN-P90 machine pistol. (Wesper is one of Olsen's closest associates.) They are very hard to kill with conventional firepower, but cannot move very fast.

Well, that's all the Double O' David pics I'll show. There are a lot more, but these are the best ones. And, yes, a lot of these people are based on people I know in Real Life. Except for Tina Barowski. I just needed a female partner, so I thought, and drew, and looked up a name in the phonebook, and Presto! A sidekick. Now, Dave is based on me. Mike Zoitkowicz is based on ZOIT. Olsen is based on a guy I know by the same name. Kyle Jaksen is based on one of my brother's friends (named Kyle). That's all the RL references made in the comic.

Resident Evil

Welcome to the world... of Resident Evil. A popular game for the Sony Playstation, these are some of the characters. A little note: The pictures shown on this page are not my drawings; but if you click on that thing's name, you'll see my drawing. Just wanted to make sure that you knew...


Age: ???
Height: Around 8 ft.
Weight: ???
Blood Type: ???
The Nemesis is an Umbrella creation developed to track down the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members still in Raccoon City. He is more intelligent than a usual Tyrant, in that he is more active, can speak (although limited to about one favorite phrase), and can use weapons (namely his rocket launcher). He hunts down Jill Valentine and Brad Vickers in Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis. He has great regenerative ablilities, so that it is basically impossible to stop him, even with a rocket launcher.


Age: possibly 2 or 3 months
Height: around 8 ft.
Weight: ???
Blood Type: ???
The Tyrant is the ultimate bioweapon, Umbrella's crowning achievement. It was the child of T-Virus research that was created in the mansion with a Tyrant supersoldier from Umbrella. Once they spliced the two together, Umbrella deemed the project too dangerous to continue. Tyrant was put into stasis. However, their operative Albert Wesker figured that it had great potential, and tested it on the remaining STARS members. However, once it was released, it began a raid of destruction that was unstoppable to most common weaponry. The only thing that could destroy it was the power of a rocket launcher. There are no known other specimens of this BOW (Bio-Organic Weapon) in existence.

Captain Albert Wesker

Age: 38
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 186 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Wesker rose quickly through the ranks of the STARS and currently commands the Alpha Team of the Raccoon City branch. He is both ambitious and calculating with the insight to seize opportunities when presented. Wesker was headhunted by a STARS recruiter due to his unique talents. Soon after, he established the Raccoon City unit. His motives may seem unclear at times, and his personal ambitions appear to take precedence over the welfare of the people working under him. Viewed by many as a "cool guy," from his snappy haircut to his perpetual shades, he keeps his unit together in times of stress.

This is my favorite character in the world of Resident Evil. He has the best voice acting in the game, and also some of the coolest lines. And I'm sorry for not drawing his feet.

Barry Burton

Age: 38
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 197 lbs.
Blood Type: A
Barry is an old friend and former partner of Chris Redfield's. Prior to his assignment to the STARS team, Barry was a member of a SWAT unit. He currently handles weapons maintenance and inventory for both Alpha and Bravo teams. With over 16 years of experience, Barry is a great asset to the STARS and can be relied upon throughout the mission to pull you out of various hot spots. Although Barry is a family man with a wife and two daughters, he's been having problems at home lately which may explain his odd behavior.

This is a cool guy in Resident Evil. With lines like "gibble sandwich" and him always sticking around to "investigate", Barry is a hoot and a holler. Heh heh heh. What a strange guy. It can't be helped. Whoah! This hall is dangerous! Heh heh. Okay, I'll stop quoting.

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