Here is the page to thank those who, well, are friends of mine. I'll try to get everyone, but I'm probably missing a whole lot. (Err... Right.)
Marcy -- A Tribute
She's funny, she's cute, she's understanding... a great friend, and I wish we could be together more often... Even though you dumped me :)
Well, what can I say? She's a great person, very nice, and she's always supported me. It's always fun to talk to her. Although I haven't really talked to her too much lately.. must.. write.. email!
Ah, Kati. One of my best friends! Both realistic and random, which always makes for good conversations. She got me into the Cure... Thank goodness for that... Also, one day, she caused Roland to bite off Curt's head! So now we can never be too careful... on/on/off *vgggg.html
Simply elegant!
ZOIT (or rather, Mike! he doesn't use ZOIT anymore)
Man, this guy is weird. I know him in RL, and he's been my friend for quite a long time. He's cool. Sie mögen Essiggurke heh heh. Having fun in college? You're very busy!
Fate Richards Baez -- His Site
Ah, Fate. An odd character, he wanders through the halls of insanity trying to find a solemn voice that he can share his own withered voice with. But alas, he has no mouth, but he yearns to scream at the cruel world which hast injusticed him. It's true, folks. Err, back to reality now; he's cool, into videogames and stuff, and he goes to my school. And his ex-girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker. Interesting, eh?
Bill Lower -- His (Future) Site
Mr. Computer, Sir. He is a genius, and quite fluent in the occasional odd joke or two. He looks like a mix between Italian and Mexican. He goes to Government Auctions, knows the secret to resurrecting the dead, and has stolen a Y. Recently, he has gone into hiding. Evidently, the government has turned on him for stealing that Y, and he is a fugitive on the run from the law. Even more recently, he's been incarcerated, but he broke out! He was able to after Fate stole the G, so legally the "overnment" could not hold him any longer. We'll see what the future has in store for him...
Matt Zorc
The One who shall be responsible for molding the repressed Japanese nation back into its true glory. All can hail him as your ruler now, or you can wait until later. But you shall hail him, or surely be destroyed. Yesss... Well, Herr Zorc also spends his time watching the Andy Dick show (Hey! I'm Kaptain Klean! I dunno what the last "K" stands for, though...), and the friendly woodland creature known as Tom Green. One of my 7th hour buddies... heh heh heh. Much conspiring was done during those days, I tell ya... He is currently in hiding, preparing to make his dramatic re-entrance into the world, by doing something drastic!
Dan Garcia
I SHALL BREAK HIS WILL. HE SHALL BE FORCED TO CARRY OUT THE PLANS I HAVE IN MIND FOR HIM SOONER OR LATER. Ah, hello Dan. Heed my warning. Unless you obey, you'll only be a VICTIM... He threw out his Rammstein Cds! Good old Dan. Stop badmouthing Robert Smith! I'll try not to bring him up if you don't...
Nikita Kibardin
The nutty Russian! Having played Lenin and an evil painter, this guy is a great actor, as well as a great friend. Extremely friendly, and just an all-around great guy. He likes rap music, oddly enough...
Well, I'll leave this for now. Anyone who I forgot, can you email me and tell me so I can add you? Thanks!