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Quote of the Month:

Well, this is it. I hit the end of my webspace. This is the end. Not of the site, no! But of any new Angelfire updates... go to this site for new stuff: It lacks a few nice things like that random script, and for some reason, it doesn't play midis... Hopefully, I can figure out those bugs, though. It does, however, have NO POP-UPS! So join me there, if you will... we'll have a fun time.

Hello! Hopefully you'll be getting some sort of update from me in this thing every week on Saturday night/Sunday morning. This week, we've got a 2003 section up, with some random college pictures and a fateful night frisbee golfing. Expect the Spring Break/Destin, Florida pictures to be up either tomorrow or next Saturday! Tschuss!

What? You're telling me that I have a news page on this site?!? Oh, uh, hello. Avid viewers will have noticed I updated, but I never really marked it in here. Umm, the Drawings Page has a nice new picture up... The 2002 Pics section is nearly complete... Slightly updated the "About Me" section... And I put up a few extra pictures in the 2001 Pics section as well. So if you didn't notice those before, now's your time to shine!

Well, time to update this. Umm, not too much new... there was a Secret Project that I wanted to do for this site, but... I'll wait a bit before doing that. Since it does take up quite a bit of time. Umm, I put up a new link, though. Check it ouuut, yeah! *ahem*

Well. I'm at college now! It's fun. I'm feeling a bit antisocial, but that's who I am. And I'm decently comfortable with it. That is, I won't change. But hey! Hopefully soon I'll get my webcam from home, and maybe set up a webcam! Or at least keep Yahoo Messenger on all the time and use that (hrrrrrrrm)... Then I can take pictures, talk about my room, and all those lovely things. In time, I say!

Wow, it's been far too long since I've entered in here. I can't believe that it's been nearly a year (and only a year!) since I've gotten into the Cure and dear, dear, Robert Smith. And now I'm just about to graduate! Hopefully some people from my class will happen upon this website in the course of their life, and see what an odd person I am. As I go on to Georgia Tech for college, hopefully I'll find new stuff to update this webpage with. Ah yes, and about the new format, make sure to read what it says on the right-hand side in order to understand what each of the logos on the left mean.

I felt I needed to replace the midi on my Miscellaneous page... I... I just had to... (Help! This song has me under its spell! It's all I listen to now! But... But it's so good... Peaceful...)

Small updates. I'm now 17, so I changed that in my stats... Umm not much else... Expect more pictres, since I have a digital camera now... That is all. Go back. Away. AWAY WITH YE!

Well, I've been bored. In fact, today is the most boring day in eons. Everyone just falls over sleeping. As did I. So, I did some things to the site... small things... I added a hidden link to a secret journal... see if you can find it... muhuhah. And I updated Fate's profile at his request... sad, really. So that's it.

I'm free! Free at last! Hehahah! Well, I hope you've noticed my updates... I redid the title page, as well as finished uploading the Ramms+ein soundclips (cause that was looong overdue). Ah yes, have you noticed the Guestbook is now in German? Don't worry and don't get confused; the first button means ok, the second one (zuruck) means back... or something like that. Well, expect quite a few more updates this summer, since I'll have more time to work on this... Remember... I LIVE

Holy crap! It's been a while, hasn't it? Stupid grr school!! Well, as you can tell, I haven't gotten to work much on the website... RL stuff... Well, I came here to put a shoutout to William Lower... YOU! E-MAIL ME ONCE AGAIN!!! THE E-MAIL ADDRESS YOU GAVE ME WAS false. *Ahem.* Quite so. So, um, mail me back, or I shall draw a picture of you defecating on Mark McGwire's chest, and we all wouldn't want to see that. No.

Whoopieeee! Yay, I just finished a 10-page term paper! And it only took me 24 straight hours to complete! I feel proud. And tired. Well, I'm still really busy... finals are next week, but don't give up hope yet! I said don't! Get back here, you #$*#(@!!! *POP* ... Alright. Enough with that. Just to let ya know I'm alive... and this site is alive... somewhat...

Oh my goodness. How to explain this... um, like I said before, I've been really busy. Life is fun. Hee hee. I should do some major updates to this site, but, err, what should I do? I can't think of anything more... Can you? C'mon, I know you guys look at this site while you're at school... so what can I do to make it more interesting? Please give me some work to do in the site... It's in danger of becoming neglected... So mail me; my account is getting lonely.

Okay, now I haven't updated in a while... I've actually sort of got a life! Scary, huh? Well, I have to apologize to some people, I guess, for not being on... I doubt I was missed too much... oh well... I haven't updated much... just a new weird photo and the entrance page... I'll try to keep updating this, but hey, who knows... having a life is a lot more busy than I thought it would be. It's depressing lately... my dog died today. Oh well, no one cares about her. Not even me... Blah, I think I'm leaving now. I don't know...

Oh yeah... I have a new drawing up... It's of the Nemesis. It's over at my Drawings Page. Check it out, why don'tcha.

Sorry about not updating in a while. I just haven't done much since then. I put up a random quote thingy on the start page... I updated the Quote of The Month (Yay!)... Err ZOIT has updated his page... why don't ya check that out... and, um, I added my school's webpage (which isn't all that great) to the Links page. And I'm going to be going to Kentucky next week for Easter Break. Yay! So maybe I'll get some new pics there. Hmm. Why can't I ever get pictures of myself right after I've gotten a haircut? Oh well... it's not like ya guys check out the picture page anyway. Maybe I'll have some new drawings ready soon. Oh, yeah, and I'm in a play--as God! Err, yay. Still trying to do junk with that poll thing--How about you guys e-mail me and give me some possible subjects. Or you just might get something as dry as James Oliver. Goodnight, everybody!

Um, no poll yet. I need to research that a lil more. But I have a funny site to plug: Rammstein: Behind Closed Doors. It's a humor site, which basically sorta makes fun of Rammstein, and it's funny as a bag of weeds. Not dry ones, mind you. I would advise you to look at it. Even if you hate Rammstein.

Er, sorry about not updating. Didja notice that all my updates have been apologies lately? Heh heh. I can't think of anything to update with... Hey! (Idea light clicks on) I'll make a poll! Yes! Watch for a poll, soon! Yahoo!

Well crap. I guess I just won't ever make it on on Friday. I guess I'll drop the thing. Sorry guys... I'll still try to come on chat sometimes... Uhm, some minor updates to the page... the entrance changed, and the Doom section's been updated... So uhm look at it, if you haven't gone there. Or don't. I don't know, I'm confused today.

AHHHHHHHHH! Sorry about not being on Friday, that is if anybody came on. My internet wasn't working... in fact, it only started working today... So I'll be on next week. And that's a good promise. So please forgive me... and pray my internet doesn't go out heh heh. See ya.

Quick update--A schedule! I'll try my best to be on the chat on my page at 7:00 Central US time (8 Eastern, 6 Mountain??), so I'll hope ta see some of yas there. I will be there... So visit me on Aquachat! Heh heh... Ah yeah! My screen name for AOL Instant Messenger is AquasharkD, and my screen name for Yahoo! Messenger is Aquashark13. Umm there ya go. Now ya know how to find me on the net. Woohoo! Ah yeah, with AOL and Yahoo, I'm on most of the time. Peace out, I'm leaving now!

Happy New Year!!! Today Angelfire approved my space grant, and I can update now!! No more worrying about how much I type here yay! Umm, here's a link for ya-- A Dummy's Guide to Feudalism! I hope ya enjoy!... and by the time you guys read this, I should have new pics up in the pics section. They're sorta funky, but I like 'em. Umm the interests pages are sorta up-in-the-air right now... I'm not sure if I'll keep doing em... Well, who knows. I'll see. Till next time...

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