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Rammstein Pics

Well, I'm sorry, everyone... most of the pics did not turn out. I have basically one good pic. That's it. The one I really wanted to turn out (the one of Till's mask) didn't; I guess I should've just lifted my sister over the fence... But oh well. Here's what I have remaining...

My only picture that turned out well. Of good ol' Oliver Riedel.

A sadly blurred picture of Flake.

A shot of Richard walking into the mysterious black van...

Another shot of the members going into the van... Olli on the far left, and Schneider in the white T-Shirt.

A pic of me after the concert. *Sigh* I can't wait until my next Rammstein concert...

Yet another pic of me... You do know I'm the one in the Links 234 shirt, don't you?