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I want to be inside you, to be transformed into an invisible soul and hide myself in the bottom of your heart, to search for the source of your inner most being. - Keri

I see us together everywhere. I see us, as we are now, forever, never wanting to be apart. No one has ever, or will ever touch me as you have. You are the one that I want to share the rest of my whole life with, not just little bits and pieces, the Whole Package. I see you knowing all of me, all of my little secrets and desires, wants and needs, all of my fantasies. Loving me no matter what, like you have since the beginning. I can feel your smile warming me from the inside out and your loving words filling me with so much love and desire for you. I want to give you everything, be everything to you. I wish to be the only woman that you will ever dream of. I want to know every fantasy and dream you have. I want to be there with you. You are my world now and you will always be. I know the feeling that we have for one another now will only grow stronger as the years go by. I always feel like i'm home when i'm wrapped in your arms. There will never be a greater love than ours. And each of us know that without each other we would never be fulfilled as we are now.
I Love You Forever My Love

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