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In everything I do, I always find you there.
Whenever I stop to rest, I see you in my thoughts.
I can't wait to have you in my arms,
Keep my thoughts always
And hear my heart within your heart.
Today I cried and cried,
I had all sorts of feelings
sadness, immense joy, fear.
My spirit is overflowing with joy because
I see you and me looking at our bright future together,
And I feel sadness because of past memories.
For many years, I have denied myself,
denied my freedom, even denied my identity.
Our happiness is dependent upon the other's happiness,
I know how you feel,
I shared your pain.
I could imagine what you would give up
to make someone happy.
I Promise I'll do all the things that you were looking for.
I'll comfort you when you need comforting,
I'll protect you when you need protecting.
I'll take care of you when you are sick
or when you feel sad.
Our love transcends from our hearts.
I'll always be here for you darling.

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